Mason Barto

Mason Barto

Instructor of Classics 

Ph.D., Duke University, 2024
Phone: 225-578-7716
Office: 348 Hodges Hall 

Research Interests

Greek and Latin epic, narrative theory, gender studies, Greek and Roman mythology, psychoanalysis as literary theory

Selected Conference Papers

2024                “Couple’s Therapy: A Reconsideration of Helen’s (In)fidelity in Odyssey 4.” SCS annual meeting, Chicago, IL.

2023                “Stolen or Fabricated Identity? On Beggars and Composite Disguises in the Odyssey.” CAMWS annual meeting, Provo, UT.

2022                “Homer’s Criticism of Cultural Erasure: Counter-Narratives in Odyssey 4 and 24." SCS annual meeting, Virtual.

Recent Courses

Greek Myth and Film, Trojan War: Myth and Reality, Ancient Greek Civilization, Elementary Latin Semester I and II, Intermediate Latin (Ovid and Catullus).