Farming as art will bring local artists and farmers together to collaborate on pieces
celebrating the importance, joy, struggles, and rewards of sustainable agriculture.
This project aims to draw the audience in emotionally to gain insight into the source
of food. Resulting artwork will be shared with the public through Lafayette's Second
Saturday Artwalk, downtown.
Paula Belanger: Level Up Latino Workforce
The project lead will conduct a survey to better understand the challenges and needs
of the immigrant Latino, non-English speaking professional population within the community.
The aim is to understand the needs of this community to better integrate them into
the workforce, especially because they bring needed credentials from their home countries.
Better understanding their needs will facilitate their entry into higher paying jobs
and contribute to fulfilling workforce needs.
Dymonesha "Nesha" Brown: Conqueror Community Savings Program
The project lead will develop a 10-week savings program to teach financial skills
to individuals in underrepresented communities.
Chelsea Murry: Black Women Educators Research Project: Why Black Women Stay in K-12 Schools
This project, through focus groups and a culminating networking conference, seeks
to explore the journeys of Black women educators in K-12 schools. The intent is to
amplify their voices while addressing why Black women teach, what sustains their educational
commitment, and the need of belonging.