Kurt J. Varner
David R. Bethune-Lederle Laboratories Professor and Head of the Department of Pharmacology, LSU Health Sciences Center, New Orleans
LSU Superfund Research Program leader Environmentally Persistent Free Radicals Increase Cardiac Vulnerability to Ischemia
Phone: 504-568-4742
Fax: 504-568-2361
Email: kvarne@lsuhsc.edu
Website: http://www.medschool.lsuhsc.edu/cardio_center/faculty_detail.aspx?name=varner_kurt
Research Interests:
Mechanisms by which oxidative stress produces cardiac dysfunction. Examination and characterization of the cardiac, cardiovascular, cardiovascular reflex and sympathetic nerve responses elicited by the acute and chronic administration of sympathomimetic stimulants. Effects of aerosolized air pollutants (ultra fine particles) on cardiac function.
Recent Publications:
Burn, B.R., Varner. K.J. 2015. Environmentally Persistent Free Radicals Compromise Left Ventricular Function During Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 308(9):H998-H1006. Doi: 10.1152/ajpheart.00891.2014.
Lomnicki, S., Gullett, B, Stöger,T., Kennedy, I., Diaz, J., Dugas, T.R., Varner, K., Carlin, D., Dellinger, B., and Cormier, S.A. 2013. Combustion By-Products and their Health Effects - Combustion Engineering and Global Health in the 21st Century: Issues and Challenges. International Journal of Toxicology. 33(1):3-13. Doi: 10.1177/1091581813519686. PMCID: PMC3944372
Kelley, M.A., Hebert, V.Y., Thibeaux, T.M., Orchard, M.A., Hasan, F., Cormier, S.A., Thevenot, P.T., Lomnicki, S.M., Varner,K.J., Dellinger, B, Latimer, B.M., Dugas, T.R. 2013. Model Combustion-Generated Particulate Matter Containing Persistent Free Radicals Redox Cycle to Produce Reactive Oxygen Species. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 26(12):1862-71. Doi: 10.1021/tx400227s.
Feng, Y., Hans C.P., McIlwain E., Seth D., Navar L.G., Varner K.J. and Lazartigues E. 2012. Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 over expression in the central nervous system reduces angiotensin-II-mediated-cardiac hypertrophy. PLoS One. 7(11):e48910. Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0048910.
Mahne S., Chuang G.C., Pankey E.A., Kiruri L., Kadowitz P.J., Dellinger B., Varner K.J. 2012. Environmentally persistent free radicals decreased cardiac function and increase pulmonary artery pressure. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 303(9):1135-1142. Doi: 10.1152/ajpheart.00545.2012. PMCID: PMC3517644.
Varner, K.J., Daigle, K., Weed, P.F., Lewis, P.B., Mahne, S.E., Sankaranarayanan, A. and Winsauer, P.J. 2012. Comparison of the behavioral and cardiovascular effects of mephedrone with other drugs of abuse in rats. Psychopharm. 225:675-685.
Lord, K., Moll, D., Lindsey, J.K., Mahne, S., Raman, G., Dugas, T., Cormier, S., Troxlair, D., Lomnicki, S., Dellinger, B., & Varner, K. 2011. Environmentally persistent free radicals decrease cardiac function before and after ischemia/reperfusion injury in vivo. J Recept Signal Transduct Res. 31(2):157-67. Doi: 10.3109/10799893.2011.555767. PMCID:PMC3152960
Katz, PS, Trask, A.J., Souza-Smith, F.M., Hutchinson, K.P., Galantowicz, M., Lord, K.C., Stewart, J.A., Cismowski, M.J., Varner, K.J. and Lucchesi, P.A. 2011. Coronary arterioles in Type 2 diabetic (db/db) mice undergo a distinct pattern of remodeling associated with decreased vessel stiffness. Basic Res Cardiol. 106(6):1123-1134.
Souza-Smith, F.M., Katz, P.S., Trask, A.J., Stewart, J.A. Jr, Lord, K.C., Varner, K.J., Vassallo, D.V., Lucchesi, P.A. 2011. Mesenteric resistance arteries in type 2 diabetic db/db mice undergo outward remodeling. PLoS One. 6(8):e23337.
Walsh, M., Cormier, S.A., Varner, K., & Dellinger, B. 2010. By-Products of Thermal Treatment of Hazardous Waste: Formation and Health Effects. EM. 26-30. PMCID: PMC3368582