Memos to Deans, Directors and Department Heads

Memo # Date Memo Title  
AS-25.01 7/3/2024 Travel Changes Effective July 1, 2024  
AS-24-02 5/10/2024 Schedule for Closing Accounts for FY 23-24  
AS-24-01 7/5/2023 Travel Changes Effective July 1, 2023   
AS-23-01 5/5/2023 Schedule for Closing Accounts for FY 22-23  
AS-22-01 5/10/2022 Schedule for Closing Accounts for FY 21-22  
AS-21-01 5/10/2021 Schedule for Closing Accounts for FY 20-21  
AS-20-01 4/14/2020 Schedule for Closing Accounts for FY 19-20 pdf
AS-19-02 5/7/2019 Schedule for Closing Accounts for FY 18-19 pdf
AS-19-01 2/18/2019 Update to FASOP: AS-21 Unallowable Costs for Sponsored Agreements pdf
AS-18-01 5/1/2018 Schedule for Closing Accounts for FY 17-18 pdf
AS-17-02 5/19/2017 Schedule for Closing Accounts for FY 16-17 pdf
AS-17-01 7/5/2016 Travel Changes Effective July 1, 2016 pdf
AS-16-03 4/18/2016 Schedule for Closing Accounts for FY 15-16 pdf
AS-16-02 10/6/2015 Mandatory Student Payroll Training Course pic
AS-16-01 7/24/2015 Travel Changes Effective July 1, 2015 pic
AS-15-09 6/5/2015 Fringe Benefit Rates Applied to Sponsored Agreements during FY 15-16 pic
AS-15-08 5/1/2015 Schedule for Closing Accounts for FY 14-15 q
AS-15-07 3/20/2015 Reminder - Implementation of FASOP: AS-24 "Mobile Device Policy" d
AS-15-06 1/15/2015 Implementation of FASOP: AS-25 "Student Employment Best Practices" h
AS-15-05 12/16/2014 Mobile Communication Devices d
AS-15-04 10/22/2014 Supplement to FASOP: AS-02 "University Travel Regulations"- LSU Protocol on Personnel Travel to and from Ebola Affected Nations g
AS-15-03 9/26/2014 Monitoring of Unused Airline Tickets g
AS-15-02 9/2/2014 Important Changes to the LaCarte Card Program f
AS-15-01 7/17/2014 FASOP: AS-02 "University Travel Regulations" - Travel Policy Changes Effective July 1, 2014 m
AS-14-04 5/19/2014 Fringe Benefit Rates Applied to Sponsored Projects during FY 14-15 ;
AS-14-03 4/21/2014 Schedule for Closing Accounts for FY 13-14 h
AS-14-02 8/21/2013 Restricted Accounts for Training, Orientation, Professional Development, and Space Usage m
AS-14-01 7/18/2013 FASOP: AS-02 "University Travel Regulations" - Travel Policy Changes Effective July 1, 2013 l
AS-13-05 4/29/2013 Schedule for Closing Accounts for FY 12-13 g
AS-13-04 3/4/2013 Fringe Benefit Rates Applied to Sponsored Projects during FY 13-14 l
AS-13-03 1/31/2013 Airline Savings Program g
AS-13-02 10/31/2012 Institutional Space Survey b
AS-13-01 7/27/2012 FASOP: AS-02 "University Travel Regulations" - Travel Policy Changes Effective July 1, 2012 b
AS-12-05 4/16/2012 Schedule for Closing Accounts for FY 11-12 v
AS-12-04 3/29/2012 Fringe Benefit Rates Applied to Sponsored Projects during FY 12-13 l
AS-12-03 3/9/2012 Bank of America Travel Card k
AS-12-02 7/28/2011 FASOP: AS-02 "University Travel Regulations" -Travel Policy Changes Effective July 1, 2011 k
AS-12-01 7/14/2011 FASOP: AS-18 "High Risk Travel to Restricted Regions" f
AS-11-05 5/18/2011 Fringe Benefit Rates Applied to Sponsored Projects during FY 11-12 k
AS-11-04 4/26/2011 Schedule for Closing Accounts for FY 10-11 o
AS-11-03 1/28/2011 Finance and Administrative Services Operating Procedure Delegation of Signature Authority for Financial Transactions p
AS-11-02 11/3/2010 Institutional Space Survey p
AS-11-01 8/11/2010 Travel Policy Changes Effective July 1, 2010 & New State Contract Travel Agency o
AS-10-08 6/30/2010 F&A Rates Applied to Sponsored Projects p;
AS-10-07 5/19/2010 Fringe Benefit Rates Applied to Sponsored Projects during FY 10-11 f
AS-10-06 5/3/2010 Schedule for Closing Accounts for FY 09-10 f
AS-10-05 1/14/2010 Revisions to Travel Policy Effective January 19, 2010 g
AS-10-04 12/18/2009 Travel Policy Changes Effective January 1, 2010 j
AS-10-03 11/2/2009 Requirement to Monitor Budgets by Object Code l
AS-10-02 9/17/2009 Changes to LaCarte Card Policies & Procedures l
AS-10-01 8/11/2009 On-line Self-Booking Reservation System, Get There k

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Monday - Friday

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