LSU’s 2024 Scholarship First Bus Tour: Day 4 Dispatch from President Tate

By LSU President William F. Tate IV

October 18, 2024

It’s hard to believe that the Scholarship First Bus Tour ends today. We’ve had a whirlwind of a trip, and the finale is no different. As you saw from our breaking news dispatch, we had some great developments this morning.

​​​​I’m proud to announce that Art Favre, founder of Performance Contractors and a graduate of the first LSU construction management class in 1972, has committed $15 million dollars toward a new Construction Management & Advanced Manufacturing Building at LSU. We raised a total of $36.3 million toward this ambitious and fast-moving goal to date, thanks to our generous alumni in the industry.  

Art Favre, LSU alum and donor, speaks to President Tate

Art Favre, LSU alum and donor, speaks to President Tate. 

Conceptual rendering of the LSU Construction & Advanced Manufacturing Building

Conceptual rendering of the LSU Construction & Advanced Manufacturing Building.

Performance Contractors employees stand in front of Scholarship First Bus

Performance Contractors employees stand in front of Scholarship First Bus. 

Then, we rushed from Morgan City to the Bridgeview Gun Club, where I met with our five-time national champion 4-H Shooting Club. They demonstrated their skills at shooting skeet, then gave me a lesson on a .22 caliber rifle. I’m sorry to report that I didn’t hit my mark, but the wind was very strong today … that’s my story and I’m sticking to it! 


4H students and LSU President William F. Tate

4-H students and LSU President William F. Tate. 

4H student prepares to fire her gun at a shooting range

4-H student prepares to fire her gun at a shooting range. 

​​After leaving Bridgeview, we drove down to Plaquemine to visit A. Wilbert’s Sons, who powered the Scholarship First Bus Tour, at their headquarters. We learned about the history of this impressive company — a family owned and operated company from the very beginning — and also saw some first-hand demonstrations of their precision ag techniques. The sophistication of their operations left no doubt as to why they’re such a dominant force in agriculture.

The juice from sugar cane

The juice from sugar cane. 

Reception at A. Wilbert’s Sons

Reception at A. Wilbert’s Sons. 

​​From there, we journeyed through the backroads and over the Gross Tete Bridge, through Rosedale and back to Port Allen for a wrap-up celebration with A. Wilbert’s Sons and local influencers and officials.

​​​​What an incredible four days it’s been. We traveled nearly 1,000 miles, made countless new friends and formed so many great memories. I’m so grateful to have this opportunity, and send my thanks to all those who made this trip the exceptional learning experience it was.

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