Dual Enrollment: Choice Credit-Modality


LSU's Dual Enrollment: Choice Credit-Modality offers all high-school learners affordable access to college-level courses in an entirely no-risk environment. This opportunity fosters academic self-confidence while providing an introductory exposure to the high demands and challenges of undergraduate curriculum.  

75 Students

The 1st Year of the Program

1,200 Students

The 2nd Year of the Program

Choice Credit-Modality Rundown

The Choice credit-modality offers students the opportunity to participate in an authentic college-level course and complete a high-school diploma concurrently. Specifically, the Choice credit-model benefits students who qualify for the Traditional credit-modality, but may need additional resources to be successful. Choice credit-modality courses are delivered asynchronously with the presence of a teacher (classroom coach), selected by the school and trained by our LSU Instructor of Record. At the end of the course, LSU will provide each student with a letter grade to have transcribed or forgo.

Aerial view

Available Courses

The 2025-26 Choice Credit-Modality will offer the following college courses:

  • BIOL 1001: General Biology I (CBIO 1013) *
  • BIOL 1002: General Biology II (CBIO 1023) *
  • CFS 1162: Personal Finance Management (CFIN 2113)
  • CHEM 1001: Chemistry I (CCEM 1103)
  • CHEM 1002: Chemistry II (CCEM 1113)
  • CSC 1110: Computer Science Essentials
  • CSC 1362: Cybersecurity Essentials
  • ENGR 1050: Introduction to Engineering
  • ENVS 1126: Introduction to Environmental Sciences (CEVS 1103)
  • HIST 1001: Western Civilization to 1500 (CHIS 1013)
  • HIST 1003: Western Civilization Since 1500 (CHIS 1023)
  • MATH 1015: Basic Mathematics and Applications
  • MATH 1021: College Algebra (CMAT 1213)
  • MATH 1029: Contemporary Mathematics (CMAT 1103)
  • MATH 1999: Gateway Research Experience
  • MUS 1751: Music Appreciation (CMUS 1013)
  • RNR 2062: Introduction to Special Topics in Natural Resources


For course descriptions, please visit our Courses tab.

CCM Courses

Aerial viewlsu archway