LSU CES Bibliography



Mandalika, A., and T. Runge. Iron complexation by biomass model compounds. Environmental Science: Advances, DOI: 10.1039/d3va00383c.

Mandalika, A. (with K.J. Chou and S.R. Decker). Biohydrogen: prospects for industrial utilization and energy resiliency in rural communities. Frontiers in Industrial Microbiology, 14 June, Vol. 2.


Dismukes, D.E. (with C.F. D’Elia and B.F. Snyder).  Energy & environment: The grand challenges of the 21st century.  Dubuque (IA): Kendall Hunt Publishing Co.  

Dismukes, D.E., G.B. Upton (with R.E. Minsk and B.F. Snyder).  The economic implications of carbon capture and sequestration for the Gulf Coast economy.  Report prepared for Gulf Coast Sequestration.  March 2023.

Kaiser, M.J.  Gulf of Mexico shallow water decommissioning: Part 2. Well P&A cost.  Oil, Gas & Energy Quarterly 71(3):453-464.

Kaiser, M.J.  New statistical model can help operators estimate shallow-water platform removal costs. Offshore 83(1):27-29.


Dismukes, D.E. and G.B. Upton.  2023 Gulf coast energy outlook.  LSU Center for Energy Studies.  LSU White Paper.  Fall, 2022.

Iledare, O.O. (with E. Nsenkyire, J. Nunco, and J. Sbeu).  Household multidimensional energy poverty: Impact on health, education, and cognitive skills of children in Ghana.  Child Indicators Research  (October).

Iledare, O.O. (with K. Gbakon, J. Ajienka, and J. Gogo).  Oil production forecasting models and oil end-use optimization framework under global energy transition dynamics.  Paper presented at the SPE Nigeria Annual International Conference and Exhibition, August 1-3, 2022.  Lagos, Nigeria.  SPE# SPE-211967-MS.

Iledare, O.O. (with V.C. Ihejirika and B. Adeogun).  Economic analysis of gas to power project in Nigeria.  Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Technology Conference, May 2-5, 2022.  Houston, TX.  SPE# OTC-31944-MS.

Kaiser, M.J.  BSEE decommissioning cost estimates in the deepwater US Gulf of Mexico.  Ships and Offshore Structures  (December).

Kaiser, M.J.  BSEE decommissioning cost estimates in the shallow water US Gulf of Mexico.  Ships and Offshore Structures  (October).

Kaiser M.J.  Gulf of Mexico shallow water decommissioning: Part 1. Market size.  Oil, Gas & Energy Quarterly 71(1):51-58.

Kaiser, M.J.  New research illuminates P&A cost trends in the shallow-water GOM: For completed wells, average cost ranges from $500,000 to $900,000/well.  Offshore  82(6):29-32.

Kaiser, M.J.  Shallow-water Gulf of Mexico decommissioning market valued at $6.3 billion: Well abandonment accounts for some $3.4 billion.  Offshore  82(4):46-47.

Kaiser, M.J. (with E.W. McAllister).  Pipeline rules of thumb handbook: A manual of quick, accurate solutions to everyday pipeline engineering problems.  Cambridge (MA): Gulf Professional Publishing.  906 pp.

Nehiba, C. Correcting heterogeneous externalities: Evidence from local fuel taxes.  Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists  9(3):495-529.

Nehiba, C. Improving Efficiency and equity with geographically targeted gasoline taxes. Transfers Magazine 9 (June).

Upton, G.B. (with M.E. Oliver).  Are energy endowed countries responsible for conditional convergence?  The Energy Journal  43(3):201-224.

Upton, G.B., S. Narra, and B. Snyder (with M. Agerton).  Considering federal program to permanently plug & abandon offshore oil and gas wells.  Report prepared for Center on Global Energy Policy at Columbia University SIPA.  April 2022.


Dismukes, D.E.  How the drilling and permitting moratorium hurts Louisiana’s economy and environment.  LOGA Industry Report  (Summer 2021):28-29.

Dismukes, D.E.  Louisiana 2021 greenhouse gas inventory.  Prepared on behalf of the Governor’s Office of Coastal Activities by the LSU Center for Energy Studies.  October 2021.

Dismukes, D.E. and G.B. Upton. 2022 Gulf coast energy outlook.  LSU Center for Energy Studies.  LSU White Paper.  Fall, 2021.

Dismukes, D.E. (with 32 other authors).  Anticipating and adapting to the future impacts of climate change on the health, security and welfare of low elevation coastal zone (LECZ) communities in southeastern USA.  Journal of Marine Science and Engineering  9(11). November 2021.  Article Number 1196.

Iledare, O.O. (with A. Adejola).  Climate change and the rising geopolitics of LNG.  Paper presented at the SPE Nigeria Annual International Conference and Exhibition, August 2-4, 2021.  Lagos, Nigeria.  SPE# 208241-MS.

Iledare, O.O. (with A. Adejola and P. Nnadili).  Data driven insights from Nigeria’s natural gas data using PowerBI.  Paper presented at the SPE Nigeria Annual International Conference and Exhibition, August 2-4, 2021.  Lagos, Nigeria.  SPE# 208238-MS.

Iledare, O.O. (with K. Ojukwu, J. Ajienka, A. Dosunmu, and C. Ibe).  Estimating fair market value of petroleum assets in Nigeria: A risk-based approach.  Paper presented at the SPE Nigeria Annual International Conference and Exhibition, August 2-4, 2021.  Lagos, Nigeria.  SPE# 207078-MS.

Kaiser, M.J.  Evaluation of changes in expected ultimate recovery for U.S. Gulf of Mexico oil and gas fields, 1975-2016.  Natural Resources Research  30(2):1229-1252.

        .  A review of exploration, development, and production cost offshore Newfoundland.  Natural Resources Research  30(2):1253-1290.

        .  A review of onshore and offshore pipeline construction and decommissioning cost in the USA – part 1: Specifications, cost estimation and onshore construction.  International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology  27(3):247-285.

         . A review of onshore and offshore pipeline construction and decommissioning cost in the USA – part 2: Offshore and deepwater decommissioning cost algorithms.  International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology  27(4):363-398.

        .  Tools of the trade: How to read a crude oil assay.  Oil, Gas & Energy Quarterly  69(3):391-408.

Kaiser, M.J.  Tools of the trade: How to read and interpret a crude oil assay, Part 2.  Oil, Gas & Energy Quarterly  70(1):137-155.

Kaiser, M.J. (with M. Liu).  Cost factors and statistical evaluation of gas transmission pipeline construction and compressor-station cost in the USA, 2014-2019.  International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology  26(4):422-452.

Nehiba, C.  The effects of COVID-19 on the transportation sector in Louisiana: Looking back and moving forward.  LSU Center for Energy Studies White Paper.  September 2021.

Nehiba, C.  Should Louisiana raise the gasoline tax?  LSU Center for Energy Studies White Paper.  April 2021.

Snyder, B., D. Dismukes, and S. Narra (with V. Gomez).  Use and limits of ecosystem services valuation in the Gulf of Mexico.  New Orleans (LA): U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management.  OCS Study BOEM 2021-006.  90 p.

Tarufelli, B. and D. Dismukes (with B. Snyder). The potential impact of the U.S. carbon capture and storage tax expansion on the economic feasibility of industrial carbon capture and storage. Energy Policy 149(February).

Upton, G.B., C. Nehiba, and S. Narra.  Description of helicopter operations and utilization in the Gulf of Mexico.  New Orleans (LA): U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management.  OCS Study BOEM 2021-047.  60 p.

Upton, G.B. (with H. Yu).  Labor demand shocks and earnings and employment differentials: Evidence from the U.S. shale oil & gas boom.  Energy Economics  102(October).


Dismukes, D.E.  Current trends and issues in reforming state-level solar net energy metering policies. LSU Journal of Energy Law & Resources 8(2):419-451.

        .  Insight: Irreparable changes are coming to the American oil and gas industry.  10/12 Industry Report  5(1):55.

Dismukes, D.E. (with B.F. Snyder and M. Layne). A cash flow model of an integrated industrial CCS-EOR project in a petrochemical corridor: A case study in Louisiana. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control  93(February).

Dismukes, D.E. and G.B. Upton. 2021 Gulf coast energy outlook.  LSU Center for Energy Studies.  LSU White Paper.  Fall, 2020.

Iledare, O.O. (with A.S. Nwosi-Anele and O. Adeogun).  Implications of Petroleum Industry Fiscal Bill 2018 on heavy oil field economics.  Paper prepared for Nigeria Annual International Conference and Exhibition, August 11-13, 2020. Lagos, Nigeria. SPE # 203740-MS. (Due to COVID-19 the physical event was not held.)

Iledare, O.O. (with K.I. Ojukwu, J. Ajienka, A. Dosunmu, and C. Ibe).  Investigating the nexus between Nigerian rig rates and crude oil prices.  Paper prepared for Nigeria Annual International Conference and Exhibition, August 11-13, 2020. Lagos, Nigeria. SPE # 203608-MS. (Due to COVID-19 the physical event was not held.)

Iledare, O.O. (with L. Ojaraida and J. Ajienka).  Performance evaluation of natural gas value chain in Nigeria. Paper prepared for Nigeria Annual International Conference and Exhibition, August 11-13, 2020. Lagos, Nigeria. SPE # 203725-MS. (Due to COVID-19 the physical event was not held.)

Iledare, O.O. (with O. Ogolo, P. Nzerem, I.S. Okafor, E. Iloegbunam, and I.P. Ekeoma).  Assessing the impact of deep offshore and inland basin production sharing contract amendments on the economics of deep offshore E&P assets in Nigeria.  Paper prepared for Nigeria Annual International Conference and Exhibition, August 11-13, 2020. Lagos, Nigeria. SPE # 203741-MS. (Due to COVID-19 the physical event was not held.)

Kaiser, M.J..  Offshore oil and gas records circa 2020.  Ships and Offshore Structures  (October).

        .  The offshore pipeline construction Industry: Activity modeling and cost estimation in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico. Cambridge (MA): Gulf Professional Publishing. 502 pp.

Kaiser, M.J. (with J.D. Shively and J.B. Shipley).  An update on the Louisiana and Texas rigs-to-reefs programs in the Gulf of Mexico.  Ocean Development and International Law  51(1):73-93.

Nehiba, C.  Taxed to death?  Freight truck collision externalities and diesel taxes.  Regional Science and Urban Economics  85(November).

       .  Transportation and energy policy in Louisiana.  LSU Center for Energy Studies White Paper.  June, 2020. View or download.

Nehiba, C. (with A. Luttmann).  The effects of employee hours-of-service regulations on the U.S. airline industry.  Journal of Policy Analysis and Management  39(4):1043-1075.

Pike, R.W. Continuous Renewable Energy Generation with Lithium Ion Battery Storage on the Micro Grid. Seattle (WA): Kindle Direct Publishing. 185 pp.

Tarufelli, B.  Foundations for an intelligent energy future: Demand response potential in Louisiana.  LSU Center for Energy Studies White Paper.  May, 2020. View or download.

Tarufelli, B. Overlooked Opportunity: Incentivizing Carbon Capture through Carbon Tax Revenues. LSU Center for Energy Studies White Paper. December 2020. View or download.

Upton, G.B. (with B. Unel).  Effects of the shale boom on entrepreneurship in the U.S.  42 p.  USAEE Working Paper No. 20-461.  Available at SSRN.

Upton, G.B. (with F. Ferdowsi and S. Mehraeen).  Assessing distribution network sensitivity to voltage rise and flicker under high penetration of behind-the-meter solar.  Renewable Energy  152(June):1227-1240.

Upton, G.B. (with L.C. Scott).  Louisiana economic outlook: 2021-2022.  Economics & Policy Research Group, E.J. Ourso College of Business, Louisiana State University.  Baton Rouge, LA. September, 2020.

Upton, G.B. (with M. Agerton and B. Gilbert).  The economics of natural gas flaring: An agenda for research and policy.  54 p.  USAEE Working Paper No. 20-460.  Available at SSRN.

Upton, G.B. (with M. Oliver).  Are energy endowed countries responsible for conditional convergence?  39 p.  USAEE Working Paper No. 19-414, 2019.  Available at SSRN.

Upton, G.B. (with J.A. Richardson). Mineral revenues in Louisiana. LSU Center for Energy Studies White Paper. March 2020. View or download.

Upton, G.B. (with R.A. Decker and  M. McCollum). Boom town business dynamics: Finance and Economics Discussion Series 2020-081. Washington: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.  September, 2020.  View or download.

Upton, G.B. and B. Tarufelli (with K. Rose).  Electricity market restructuring and retail rates.  45 p.  USAEE Working Paper No. 20-462.  Available at SSRN.



Dismukes, D.E. Actual benefits of distributed generation in Mississippi.  Report prepared for the Mississippi Public Service Commission. 191 p.

        . Insight: 2019 Gulf Coast energy outlook. 10/12 Industry Report  4(1):46.

        . Insight: An exceptionally uncertain time for energy markets. 10/12 Industry Report  4(4):49.

        . Insight: A tenuous recovery.10/12 Industry Report  4(2):52.

        . Insight: LNG’s changing fortunes.  10/12 Industry Report  4(3):49.

        . The urgency of PURPA reform to assure ratepayer protection. Report prepared for Institute for Energy Research. 24pp. View or download.

Dismukes, D.E. (with B. Snyder and M. Layne). Understanding the challenges of industrial carbon capture and storage: An example in a U.S. petrochemical corridor. International Journal of Sustainable Energy 38(1):13-23.

Dismukes, D.E. (with M. Zeidouni, M. Zulqarnain, R.G. Hughes, K.B. Hall, B.F. Snyder, M. Layne, J.M. Lorenzo, C.John, and B. Harder). Integrated carbon capture and storage in the Louisiana chemical corridor. Report prepared for U.S. Department of Energy National Energy Technology Laboratory. 185 p. View or download.

Iledare, O.O. (with A.J. Idowu, and B.G. Dada).  Evaluating technical efficiency of firms of different sizes: A case study of Nigerian upstream players.  SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering  22(2):775-788.

Iledare, O.O. (with J.C. Echendu, A.J. Idowu, A. Adejumo, and A.J. Aklnlawon).  Single-tier or dual-tier tax systems: Implication for petroleum project economics in Nigeria.  SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering  22(2):789-799.

Kaiser, M.J. Decommissioning forecasting and operating cost estimation: Gulf of Mexico well trends, structure inventory and forecast models. Cambridge (MA): Gulf Professional Publishing. 560 pp.

        .Deepwater subsea well spuds on the decline: Dry tree versus wet tree trends examined.Offshore 79(2):26-27.

        .Producing wells declining in shallow-water Gulf of Mexico: New deepwater wells replacing shut-ins.Offshore 79(1):50-52.

        .The role of factor and activity-based models in offshore operating cost estimation.Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 174(March):1062-1092.

Kaiser, M.J. (with A. de Klerk, J.H. Gary, and G.E. Handwerk). Petroleum refining: Technology, economics, and markets. Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group. 722 pp.

Kaiser, M.J. and S. Narra. An empirical evaluation of deepwater economic limits in the Gulf of Mexico.Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 64(April):93-106.

        . A retrospective of oil and gas field development in the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf Gulf of Mexico, 1947-2017.  Natural Resources Research  28(3):685-715.

        .U.S. Gulf of Mexico pipeline activity statistics, trends and correlations.Ships and Offshore Structures14(1):1-22.

Nehiba, Cody (with A. Luttmann). The effects of employee hours-of-service regulations on the U.S. airline industry. SSRN. 69 p.

Pike, R.W. Essentials of optimization for chemical engineering. Seattle (WA): Kindle Direct Publishing. 525 pp.

Tarufelli, B. (with B. Gilbert). Leakage in regional climate policy? Implications of electricity market design. Working Papers 2019-07, Colorado School of Mines, Division of Economics and Business. 65 p.

Upton, G.B. Can rooftop solar survive declining subsidies? A case study in Louisiana.Public Utilities Fortnightly 157(5):52-54.

        .  Is Louisiana still an oil and gas state?  Baton Rouge Business Report.  Baton Rouge, LA. May 7, 2019.

        .  LSU energy analyst: Trump trade war could bring big economic pain to Louisiana.  The Advocate.  Baton Rouge, LA.  June 23, 2019.

Upton, G.B. and D.E. Dismukes (with D. Terrell). 2020 Gulf coast energy outlook.  LSU Center for Energy Studies and the E.J. Ourso College of Business.  LSU White Paper.  Fall, 2019. View or download.

Upton, G.B. (with F. Ferdowsi, A. Kargarian, and S. Mehraeen).  The future of solar in Louisiana: An analysis of the technical and economic implications of solar P.V. growth on Louisiana’s economy and electric grid.  LSU Center for Energy Studies White Paper.  February, 2019. View or download.

Upton, G.B. (with F. Ferdowsi and S. Mehraeen).  Integration of behind-the-meter solar into distribution feeders: The importance of time resolution on model results.  Proceedings of the 2019 11th Annual IEEE Green Technologies Conference, Lafayette (LA), April 3-6.  DOI: 10.1109/GreenTech.2019.8767134

Upton, G.B. (with J.A. Richardson). Mineral revenues in Louisiana: Status report submitted to Senate Committee on Revenue and Fiscal Affairs and House Committee on Ways and Means of the Louisiana Legislature. LSU Center for Energy Studies White Paper. February, 2019. View or download.

Upton, G.B. (with L.C. Scott).  Louisiana economic outlook: 2020-2021.  Economics & Policy Research Group, E.J. Ourso College of Business, Louisiana State University.  Baton Rouge, LA.  September, 2019.

Upton, G.B. (with M. Agerton).Decomposing crude price differentials: Domestic shipping constraints or the crude oil export ban?The Energy Journal40(3):155-172.

        .  Pipeline constraints, not export ban, caused big price differentials. Pipeline & Gas Journal 246(8).

Wang, W.H. (with C.A. Wilson IV and A.M. Hamideh). Establishment of a NORM baseline for selected seafood in the Gulf of Mexico. Marine Pollution Bulletin  145(August):448-454.

Wang, W.H. (with C.A. Wilson IV, A.M. Hamideh, and K.L. Matthews II).  Determination of uranium series activity before secular equilibrium is established.  Health Physics  117(4):443-448.



Dismukes, D.E.  Insight: The dangers of trade protectionism for Louisiana energy development.  10/12 Industry Report  3(3):51.

       .  Insight: The irrelevance of energy dominance.  10/12 Industry Report  3(2):55.

       . Insight: The whys and hows of maintaining the oil price rise. 10/12 Industry Report  3(1):60.

       . Insight: Why an offshore recovery may never happen.  10/12 Industry Report  3(4):52-53.

       . MISO Grid 2033: Preparing for the transmission grid of the future. Final Report. LSU Center for Energy Studies. View or download.

Dismukes, D.E. and S. Narra.  Sea-level rise and coastal inundation: A case study of the Gulf Coast energy infrastructure.  Natural Resources  9(2018):150-174.

Dismukes, D.E. and S. Narra (with N.S.N. Lam, Y.J. Xu, K.B. Liu, M.A. Reams, R.K. Pace, Y. Qiang, K. Li, T. Bianchette, H. Cai, L. Zou, and V. Mihunov.) Understanding the Mississippi River Deltas as a coupled natural-human system: Research methods, challenges, and prospects. Water 10(8):1054.

Dismukes, D.E. (with J.W. Day, C.F. D’Elia, A.R.H. Wiegman, J.S. Rutherford, C.A.S. Hall, and R.R. Lane).  The energy pillars of society: Perverse interactions of human resource use, the economy, and environmental degradation.  Biophysical Economics and Resource Quality  3(1):1-16.

Dismukes, D.E. (with A.R.H. Wiegman, J.W. Day, C.F. D'Elia, J.S. Rutherford, J.T. Morris, E.D. Roy, R.R. Lane, and B.F. Snyder).  Modeling impacts of sea-level rise, oil price, and management strategy on the costs of sustaining Mississippi delta marshes with hydraulic dredging.  Science of the Total Environment  618(March):1547-1559.

Kaiser, M.J.  Deepwater exploration continues to attract attention, investment: Shallow-water declines reflect extensive development. Offshore 78(10):34-35.

        .  The global offshore pipeline construction service market 2017 - Part I.  Ships and Offshore Structures  13(1):65-95.

        .  Review of Gulf of Mexico well activity highlights decline: Deepwater drills exceed shallow-water spuds in recent years. Offshore 78(9):31.

        .  A review of shallow water structures in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico circa 2016.  Ships and Offshore Structures  13(7):677-695.

        .  Well abandonment rates in shallow-water Gulf of Mexico off historic highs.  Offshore  78(11):48-49. 

Kaiser, M.J. and S. Narra.  An empirical evaluation of economic limits in the shallow water Gulf of Mexico, 1990-2017.  Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering  164(May):230-244. 

       .  Decommissioning activity on the decline in the Gulf of Mexico: Some 1,900 structures remain in shallow water.  Offshore  78(8):50-51.

        .  A hybrid scenario-based decommissioning forecast for the shallow water U.S. Gulf of Mexico, 2018-2038.  Energy  163(November):1150-1177.

        .  Idle structures represent one-third of US GoM shallow-water inventory: Auxiliary platforms increasingly used for third-party production.  Offshore  78(7):41-42.

       .  Review of producing shallow-water structures highlights market economics.  Offshore  78(6):37-38.

       .  Review of shallow water GoM structure inventory offers preview of decommissioning requirements: Oil and gas production decline since mid-1980s.  Offshore  78(3):33-34.

       .  Review of shallow water platform inventory offers preview of decommissioning requirements.  Offshore  78(4):48-49.

       .  Review of shallow-water structures highlights classification challenges.  Offshore  78(5):38-39.

Kaiser, M.J. (with M. Liu).  Global offshore pipeline construction service market review 2017 - Part II.  Ships and Offshore Structures  13(1):96-118.

       .  Modest increase projected for active deepwater Gulf of Mexico structures.  Offshore  78(2).

       .  New analytical model improves decommissioning forecasts.  Offshore  78(1).

       .  A scenario-based deepwater decommissioning forecast in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico.  Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering  165(June):913-945.

Upton, G.B.  Mineral revenues in Louisiana.  In J.A. Richardson, S.M. Sheffrin, and J. Alm, Exploring long-term solutions for Louisiana’s tax system  (136-157).  Baton Rouge, LA: LSU Press.

Upton, G.B. and D.E. Dismukes (with C.K. Coombs and D. Terrell). 2018 Gulf coast energy outlook.  LSU Center for Energy Studies and LSU Economics & Policy Research Group.  LSU White Paper.  Spring, 2017. View or download.

Upton, G.B. (with M. McCollum).  Asymmetric effects of housing wealth on college enrollment.  Applied Economics Letters  25(3):201-205.

        .  Local labor market shocks and residential mortgage payments: Evidence from shale oil and gas booms.  Resource and Energy Economics   53(2018):162-197. View or download.



Dismukes, D.E.  Insight: A summer of discontent.  10/12 Industry Report  2(3):59.

       .  Insight: Low cost hydrocarbons continue to benefit the Gulf Coast.  10/12 Industry Report  2(2):58.

       .  Insight: Reading the tea leaves for 2017’s crude oil markets.  10/12 Industry Report  2(1):56.

        .  Insight: Taxing energy infrastructure.  10/12 Industry Report  2(4):57.

Dismukes, D.E. and G.B. Upton. Potential economic impacts of the Bayou Bridge pipeline. Prepared for Energy Transfer by LSU Center for Energy Studies. February 7, 2017. View or download.

Iledare, O.O.  Shale gas and the future of energy: Law and policy for sustainability.  Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy  6(2):144-147.

Kaiser, M.J. Empirical approach helps assess well abandonment risks. Offshore 77(2).

        .  FERC pipeline decommissioning cost in the US Gulf of Mexico, 1995-2015. Marine Policy 82:167-180.

        . The jackup rig construction market in the US gulf coast. Ships and Offshore Structures 12(5):662-678.

        .  A new approach to refinery complexity factors.  Engineering Economist  62(4):336-368.

        . Offshore pipeline construction cost in the US Gulf of Mexico. Marine Policy 82:147-166.

       .  Research finds rigless abandonment procedures to be robust.  Offshore  77(3).

       .  Research investigates rigless well abandonment procedures: Analysis examines more than 500 platform wells.  Offshore  77(1).

       . A review of refinery complexity applications. Petroleum Science 14(1):167-194.

       . Rigless well abandonment remediation in the shallow water US Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 151(2017):94-115.

       . U.S. Gulf of Mexico deepwater pipeline construction: A review of lessons learned. Marine Policy 86:214-233.

Kaiser, M.J. and S. Narra. Decommissioning of storm-destroyed assets nears completion. Offshore 77(6).

Kaiser, M.J. (with M. Liu).  Assessment of floater equipment capacity underpins successful development plan.  Offshore  77(9):52-54.

       .  Decline curve, scheduled approaches adopted for GoM decommissioning forecast: Twelve structures not producing in 2016.  Offshore  77(12):42-43.

       .  Decommissioning data provides insight into project economics.  Offshore  77(11):43-44.

       .  PV-10 model provides effective means of computing lifetime value of platform facilities: Twenty structures had values greater than $500 million in 2016.  Offshore  77(10):49-50.

       .  Review of GOM platform inventory offers preview of future decommissioning requirements.  Offshore  77(8).

Upton, G.B. Jobs, electricity prices and renewable energy policies: Costs versus benefits. Public Utilities Fortnightly  155(9):32-33, 37.

Upton, G.B. and B.F. Snyder. Funding renewable energy: An analysis of renewable portfolio standards. Energy Economics  66(2017):205-216.

Upton, G.B. and D.E. Dismukes (with C.K. Coombs and D. Terrell). Gulf coast energy outlook. LSU Center for Energy Studies and LSU Economics & Policy Research Group. LSU White Paper. Spring, 2017. View or download.



Dismukes, D.E.  Insight: Are oil prices bouncing back?  10/12 Industry Report  1(2):69.

        .  Insight: Other ways in which the energy world is changing.  10/12 Industry Report  1(3):63.

        .  Insight: Reading the signs for the energy complex.  10/12 Industry Report  1(1):73.

        .  Insight: Valuing our energy infrastructure.  10/12 Industry Report  1(4):58-59.

Dismukes, D.E. and S. Narra. Identifying the vulnerabilities of working coasts supporting critical energy infrastructure. Water 8(1).

Dismukes, D.E. (with M.W. Deupree). The challenges of the regulatory review of diversification mergers. The Electricity Journal 29(4):8-14.

Goddard, D.A. (with R. Sandrea). New reservoir-quality index forecasts field well-productivity worldwide. Oil & Gas Journal 114(12):55-60.

Kaiser, M.J. Service vessel activity in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico in support of the oil and gas industry using AIS data, 2009-2010. Marine Policy 63:61-80.

Pulsipher, A.G. (with C.A. Wilson, K. Matthews, and W.H. Wang). Using geographic information systems to determine site suitability for a low-level radioactive waste storage facility. Health Physics 110(2):S17-S25, Supplement 1.

Upton, G.B. The effects of merit-based scholarships on educational outcomes. Journal of Labor Research 37(2):235-261.

        . Oil prices and the Louisiana budget crisis: Culprit or scapegoat? An analysis of the implications of the oil price drop on the Louisiana budget. View or download.

        . Was the Stelly Plan really revenue neutral? Baton Rouge Business Report 34(22):45.

Vachon, M.C. A comparison of the economic and labor market impacts of resource extraction. USAEE Dialogue 24(1).



Dismukes, D.E. and G.B. Upton, Jr.  Economies of scale, learning effects and offshore wind development costs.  Renewable Energy  83(2015):61-66.

Kaiser, M.J. A new approach to decommissioning cost estimation using settled liability data.  Engineering Economist  60(3):197-230.

 ------.  Asset decommissioning risk metrics for floating structures in the Gulf of Mexico.  Risk Analysis: An Official Publication of the Society for Risk Analysis  35(8):1562-1590.

 ------.  Clarifying GOM decom costs ------2: Method reveals benchmarks for decom market valuation, risk.  Oil & Gas Journal  113(1):58-65.

 ------.  Decommissioning forecast in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico, 2013-2033.  Marine Structures  41(April):96-126.

------.  Empirical analysis of dayrate factors in offshore contract drilling, 2000-2010.  Ships and Offshore Structures  10(4):367-384.

 ------.  GOM revenue sharing ------1: Lease sales drive gulf OCS revenues.  Oil & Gas Journal 113(3):66-73.

 ------.  GOM revenue sharing ------2: GOMESA Phase II revenues impacted by several factors.  Oil & Gas Journal  113(4):66-75.

 ------.  GOM revenue sharing ------3: Forecast sheds light on GOMESA Phase II expected revenues.  Oil & Gas Journal  113(5):78-87. 

 ------.  Hurricane clean-up activity in the Gulf of Mexico, 2004-2013.  Marine Policy  51:512-526.

        .  Offshore service industry and logistics modeling in the Gulf of Mexico. London: Springer.  432 pp.

 ------.  Offshore service vessel activity forecast and regulatory modeling in the US Gulf of Mexico, 2012-2017.  Marine Policy  57:132-146.

Kaiser, M.J. (with M. Liu).  Decommissioning cost estimation for deepwater floating structures in the US Gulf of Mexico.  Ships and Offshore Structures  10(4):436-455. 

 ------.  Quantifying decommissioning risk in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico.  Engineering Economist  60(1):40-74.

Snyder, B.F.  Solving conservation's money problems.  Conservation Biology  29(1):1-2.

------.  Tax and trade: A hybrid climate policy instrument to control carbon prices and emissions.  Climate Policy  15(6):743-750.

Upton, G.B. Crude oil exports and the Louisiana economy: A discussion of U.S. policy of restricting crude oil exports and its implications for Louisiana. LSU CES Whitepaper.
View or download.

Upton, G.B. and B.F. Snyder. Renewable energy potential and adoption of renewable portfolio standards. Utilities Policy 36(October 2015):67-70.

 ------.  The intended and unintended consequences of renewable portfolio standards.  IAEE Energy Forum  24(Antalya Special Issue 2015):11-12, 15.



Dismukes, D.E. Combined heat & power in Louisiana: Status, potential, and policies. Phase 1 report: Resource characterization & database.  Louisiana Department of Natural Resources. 11 August 2014.

Dismukes, D.E. (with S.R. Barnes).  Analysis of Louisiana oil spills, the Louisiana Oil Spill Contingency Fund, and future oil spill response.  Report prepared in response to Act 394 of the Louisiana Legislature on behalf of the Interagency Council for the House Committee on Appropriations, the House Committee on Natural Resources, the Senate Committee on Finance, and the Senate Committee on Natural Resources.  Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies.

Kaiser, M.J.  Clarifying GOM decom costs      1: Settled-liability data provide insight for cost estimates.  Oil & Gas Journal 112(12):70-74. 

     .  Gulf cleanup continues after five major hurricanes.  Oil & Gas Journal  112(7):70-81.

     .  Multiple well lease decomposition and forecasting strategies.  Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 116(April):59-71.

Kaiser, M.J. and S. Narra.  Application of AIS data in service vessel activity description in the Gulf of Mexico. Maritime Economics & Logistics 16(4):436-466.  

Kaiser, M.J. and Y. Yu.  Haynesville update       2: North Louisiana drilling costs vary slightly 2007-12.  Oil & Gas Journal 112(1):54-61.

     .  Hayneville update       3: Low gas price constrains profitability.  Oil & Gas Journal  112(2):52-59.

     .  Haynesville update       4: Haynesville outlook hinges on gas price.  Oil & Gas Journal 112(3):62-65.

Kaiser, M.J. (with M. Liu).  Decommissioning cost estimation in the deepwater U.S. Gulf of Mexico - Fixed platforms and compliant towers.  Marine Structures 37(July):1-32.  

     .  Deepwater Gulf decommissioning       1: Aging platforms, ownership changes pose special risks.  Oil & Gas Journal 112(2):60-67.

     .  Deepwater Gulf decommissioning       3: Lease, revenue status determine short-term decommissioning activity.  Oil & Gas Journal 112(4):92-96.

     .  Deepwater Gulf decommissioning       4: Pace of decommissioning to accelerate over next decade.  Oil & Gas Journal 112(5):70-78. 

Kaiser, M.J. (with M. Liu and Z. Wang).  Deepwater Gulf decommissioning       2: Structure inventory runs gamut of deepwater technologies.  Oil & Gas Journal 112(3):76-82.     

Snyder, B.F.  Solving conservation's money problems.  Conservation Biology  (online).



Dismukes, D.E. Combined Heat & Power in Louisiana: Status, Potential, and Policies. Phase 1 Report: Resource Characterization & Database. Louisiana Department of Natural Resources. 62 pp. 

Dismukes, D.E.  Unconventional resources and Louisiana's manufacturing development renaissance.  Washington, DC: America's Natural Gas Alliance, and Baton Rouge: Louisiana Oil & Gas Association.  93 pp.  View or download.

Iledare, O.O.  Oil in Latin America (LATAM): A statistical review and perspective.  Paper presented at the 4th ELAEE Conference, April 8-9, Montevideo, Uruguay.

Iledare, O.O. (ed.) (with A. Adenikinju and A. Iwayemi).  Proceedings of the 2012 NAEE Conference: Energy technology and infrastructure for development.  Ibadan, Nigeria: Atlantis Books.  668 pp.

Iledare, O.O. (with J. Echendu).  A comparative analysis of the impact of production sharing contract (PSC) terms and instruments on deepwater E&P in the Atlantic Gulf of Guinea.  Paper presented at the 4th ELAEE Conference, April 8-9, Montevideo, Uruguay.

Kaiser, M.J.  Coal company valuation, production and reserves.  International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology 6(4):367-391.

Kaiser, M.J. and B.F. Snyder.  Assessing the offshore drilling market: Fleet values depend upon rig specification, market conditions, and contract backlog.  Offshore 73(2):44-48.

     .  Capital investment and operational decision making in the offshore drilling industry.  Engineering Economist 58(1):35-58.

     .  Economic impacts of the offshore supply vessel shipbuilding market in the Gulf of Mexico.  Maritime Economics & Logistics  15(2):256-287.

     .  Empirical models of jackup rig lightship displacement.  Ships and Offshore Structures 8(5):468-476.

     .  Measuring competition in the offshore drilling market: Analysis finds jackup market unconcentrated; floater market moderately concentrated.  Offshore 73(4):54-58.

     .  Modeling offshore wind installation costs on the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf.  Renewable Energy50(February):676-691.

     .  Modelling service vessel activity in the Outer Continental Shelf Gulf of Mexico.  International Journal of Logistics - Research and Applications 16(1):51-85.

     .  A primer on the offshore contract drilling industry.  Ocean Development and International Law 44(3):287-314.

     .  Reviewing newbuild drill rig strategies: Data suggests that as contractor size increases, newbuild investment decreases.  Offshore 73(3):44-47.

     .  The five offshore drilling rig markets.  Marine Policy  39(May):201-214.

     .  The offshore drilling industry and rig construction in the Gulf of Mexico.  London: Springer.  312 pp.

Kaiser, M.J., B. Snyder, and A.G. Pulsipher.  Offshore drilling industry and rig construction market in the Gulf of Mexico.  U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, New Orleans, LA.  OCS Study BOEM 2013-0112.  375 p. 

Kaiser, M.J. and Y. Yu.  Haynesville update      1: North Louisiana gas shale's drilling decline precipitous.  Oil & Gas Journal 111(12):62-67.



Dismukes, D.E.  Louisiana's Tuscaloosa Marine Shale development: Emerging resource and economic potentials.  Catalyst January-April: 18-20.

     .  Removing big wind's "Training Wheels": The case for ending the Federal Production Tax Credit.  Washington, DC: American Energy Alliance.  20 pp.         Click here to view or download complete publication.

     . The impact of legacy lawsuits on conventional oil and gas drilling in Louisiana. Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies, February.        Click here to view or download complete publication.

Iledare, O.O. (with J.C. Echendu and E.I. Onwuka).  Comparative performance analysis of petroleum sharing contracts in Angola, equatorial Guinea, Gabon, and Nigeria.  Paper presented at Nigeria Annual International Conference and Exhibition, August 6-8, 2012, Lagos, Nigeria. SPE# 162990.

Iledare, O.O. (with J.C. Echendu and E.I. Onwuka).  Evaluating the impact of depreciation methods and production decline patterns on deepwater economics: A case study of Nigeria.  Paper presented at Nigeria Annual International Conference and Exhibition , August 6-8, 2012, Lagos, Nigeria.  SPE# 163007.

Kaiser, M.J.  Haynesville relaxes on cheap gas, draw of liquids plays, drill-outs.  Oil & Gas Journal 110(12):68-73.

     .  Haynesville shale play economic analysis. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 82-83(2012):75-89.

     .  Hydrocarbon production forecast for Louisiana: Producing field module.  Mathematical and Computer Modelling 55(3-4):564-589.

     . Modeling the horizontal well severance tax exemption in Louisiana. Energy 40(1):410-427.

     . Profitability assessment of Haynesville shale gas wells. Energy 38(1):315-330.

Kaiser, M.J. and B. Snyder.  Contract duration, well type exert strong influence on day rates.  Offshore  72(11):56-60. 

     .  Empirical relations characterize rig day rates: Part 2 examines the impact of oil prices and utilization on rig demand and day rates.  Offshore  72(10):54-58.

     .  Labor, material needs estimated for US construction of jack ups.  Oil & Gas Journal  110(8):50-62. 

     . Modeling offshore wind installation vessel day-rates in the United States. Maritime Economics & Logistics14(2):220-248.

      . Modeling the decommissioning cost of offshore wind development on the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf. Marine Policy  36(1):153-164.

      .  New model offers tool for analyzing rig day rates: Data from over 7,000 rig contracts used to test and validate.  Offshore  72(9):40-42.

      .  New model predicts jackup weight and displacement: Analytical tool offers additional metric for design and benchmarking.  Offshore  72(8):80-83.

      . Offshore wind capital cost estimation in the US Outer Continental Shelf: A reference class approach.Marine Policy 36(5):1112-1122.

      .  Offshore wind decommissioning regulations and workflows in the Outer Continental Shelf United States. Marine Policy  36(1):113-121.

      .  Offshore wind energy cost modeling: Installation and decommissioning.  Green Energy and Technology Series, #85. New York: Springer.  235 pp. 

      . Reviewing rig construction cost factors: Labor, material prices, shipyard location play key role. Offshore72(7):49-53.

Kaiser, M.J. and Y. Yu. A scenario-based hydrocarbon production forecast for Louisiana. Natural Resources Research 21(1):143-162.

      .  A severance tax revenue forecast model for Louisiana. Natural Resources Research 21(2):245-264.

      .  Louisiana drilling and production activity review. Oil & Gas Journal 110(10):58-68.

      .  Louisiana drilling and production activity review.  Tulsa, OK: PennEnergy Research.  66 pp.

      .  Louisiana Hayneville shale-2: Economic operating envelopes characterized for Hayneville shale. Oil & Gas Journal 110(1a):70-74, 87.

      . Louisiana Haynesville shale-3 (conclusion): Operating envelope of Haynesville shale wells’ profitability described. Oil & Gas Journal 110(2):60-67.

Kaiser, M.J., D.E. Dismukes, and Y. Yu. Modeling lost production in the Gulf of Mexico - III. Results and limitations. Energy Sources Part B - Economics Planning and Policy 7(1):61-70.



Dismukes, D.E.  OCS-related infrastructure fact book.  Volume I: Post-hurricane impact assessment.  U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, New Orleans, LA.  OCS Study BOEM 2011-043.  372 pp.       Click here to view or download complete publication.

Dismukes, D.E. and C. Peters.  Diversifying energy industry risk in the GOM: Post-2004 changes in offshore oil and gas insurance markets.  U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, New Orleans, LA.  OCS Study BOEM 2011-054.  95 pp.       Click here to view or download complete publication.

Dismukes, D.E., C.P. Peters, M.D.McDaniel, K.R. Perry, and L.L. Stuart.  The impacts of greenhouse gas regulation on the Louisiana economy.  Prepared for the Louisiana Department of Economic Development by Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies, November.     Click here to view or download complete publication.

Iledare, O.O.  Overview of the BP Macondo catastrophe-Economic and policy implications.  Exploration & Production 9(1):21-23.

Iledare, O.O. and M.J. Kaiser.  Prospectivity, productivity, and profitability on offshore petroleum leases: Empirical evidence from the U.S. Gulf of Mexico region.  The Journal of Energy and Development 34(1&2).

Kaiser, M.J.  Decommissioning activity forecast high for Gulf of Mexico.  Oil & Gas Journal  109(18):98-103, 118.

      .  Economic limit of Outer Continental Shelf Gulf of Mexico structure production.  Applied Energy88(7):2490-2508. 

      .  Post-hurricane decommissioning poses unique challenges.  Offshore 71(2):90-96. 

Kaiser, M.J. and A.G. Pulsipher.   Scrap and storage markets in the Gulf of Mexico - IV: Conceptual economic models.  Energy Sources Part B - Economics Planning and Policy  6(1):1-11.

Kaiser, M.J. and S. Narra.  Decommissioning activity projected to hold steady following BOEMRE ruling. Offshore  71(4).

Kaiser, M.J. and Y. Yu. Haynesville shale well performance and development potential. Natural Resources Research 20(4):217-229.

      . How Haynesville shale will lift Louisiana’s gas production profile.  Oil & Gas Journal  109(18):64-77.

      .  Louisiana Haynesville shale     1: Characteristics, production potential of Haynesville shale wells described.  Oil & Gas Journal  109(19):68-79, 109.

Kaiser, M.J., B. Snyder, and A.G. Pulsipher.  Assessment of opportunities for alternative uses of hydrocarbon infrastructure in the Gulf of Mexico.  U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, New Orleans, LA. OCS Study BOEMRE 2011-028. 282 pp.     Click here to view or download complete publication.

Kaiser, M.J., B. Snyder, and Y. Yu.  A review of the feasibility, costs, and benefits of platform-based open ocean aquaculture in the Gulf of Mexico.  Ocean & Coastal Management 54(10):721-730.

Kaiser, M.J., D.E. Dismukes, and Y. Yu. Modeling lost production in the Gulf of Mexico - I. Redevelopment economics and impact assessment. Energy Sources Part B - Economics Planning and Policy 6(3):242-251.

      .  Modeling lost production in the Gulf of Mexico - II. Framework and assumptions. Energy Sources Part B - Economics Planning and Policy 6(4):378-383.

Kaiser, M.J. (with B.J. Kruse). Risk-adjusted supplemental bonding in the Gulf of Mexico. Journal of World Energy Law & Business 4(2):136-156.

(Kaplan, M.F., A. Laughland, and J. Mott).  OCS-related infrastructure fact book.  Volume II: Communities in the Gulf of Mexico. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, New Orleans, LA.  OCS Study BOEM 2011-044.  163 pp.      Click here to view or download complete publication.

Pulsipher, A.G. and K. Perry.  Geographic units used for socioeconomic impact analysis in the Gulf of Mexico Region.  Paper presented at the 2011 BOEMRE Information Transfer Meeting, New Orleans, March 22-24.

Stuart, L. (with S. Sarangi).  Auto Restricted Zone versus price changes: A case study.  Transportation Planning and Technology  34(7):717-726.



Dismukes, D.E. Fact book: Offshore oil and gas industry support sectors. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, New Orleans, LA. OCS Study BOEMRE 2010-042. 138 pp.      Click here to view or download complete publication.

Iledare, O.O.  Evaluating the impact of fiscal provisions in the draft Petroleum Industry Bill on offshore E&P economics and take statistics in Nigeria.  Paper presented at the 2010 Nigeria Annual International Conference and Exhibition, July 31-August 7, Tinapa-Calabar, Nigeria.  SPE #136972.

Kaiser, M.J.  An integrated systems framework for service vessel forecasting in the Gulf of Mexico.  Energy  35(7):2777-2795.

      .  Economic limit of field production in Louisiana.  Energy  35(8):3399-3416.

      .  Marginal production in the Gulf of Mexico-1: Historical statistics & model framework.  Applied Energy  87(8):2535-2550.

Kaiser, M.J. and A.G. Pulsipher.  Preliminary assessment of the Louisiana Home Energy Rebate Offer program using IPMVP guidelines.  Applied Energy  87(2):691-702.

      .  Scrap and storage markets in the Gulf of Mexico - III: Process workflows and industry structure.  Energy Sources Part B - Economics Planning and Policy  5(3):250-260.

Kaiser, M.J. and B. Snyder.  An empirical analysis of offshore service vessel utilization in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico.  International Journal of Energy Sector Management  4(2):152-182.

      .  Mobile offshore drilling rig newbuild and replacement cost functions.  Maritime Economics & Logistics12(4):392-429.

Kaiser, M.J. and Y. Yu.  Economic limit of field production in Texas.  Applied Energy  87(10):3235-3254.

      .  Gulf coast economic limits-1: Economic limits estimated for U.S. gulf coastal fields.  Oil & Gas Journal108(20):42-51.

      .  Gulf coast economic limits-2: Limits compared for Texas coast, bays-estuaries, state waters.  Oil & Gas Journal 108(21):31-38.

      .  Gulf coast economic limits-3: Economic limits calculated for fields across Louisiana.  Oil & Gas Journal108(22):35-42.

      .  Gulf coast economic limits-4: Gulf Outer Continental Shelf economic limits calculated.  Oil & Gas Journal108(23):30-36.

      .  The impact of Hurricanes Gustav and Ike on offshore oil and gas production in the Gulf of Mexico. Applied Energy  87(1):284-297.

      .  Marginal production in the Gulf of Mexico-2: Model results.  Applied Energy  87(8):2526-2534. 

      .  New decommissioning requirements will lower Gulf of Mexico production.  Oil & Gas Journal 108(41):26-37.

Kaiser, M.J., Y. Yu, and A.G. Pulsipher.  Assessment of marginal production in the Gulf of Mexico and lost production from early decommissioning.  Prepared for the U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service by Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies, April.  MMS 2010-007.      Click here to view or download complete publication.

Kaiser, M.J., Y. Yu, and B. Snyder.  Economic feasibility of using offshore oil and gas structures in the Gulf of Mexico for platform-based aquaculture.  Marine Policy  34(3):699-707.

Kaiser, M.J. (with B.J. Kruse).  Review and update of the supplemental bonding formula in the Outer Continental Shelf Gulf of Mexico.  International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology 3(4):297-341.

Kaiser, M.J. (with H. Hao).  Modeling China's offshore production sharing contracts using meta analysis. Petroleum Science  7(2):283-288.

Kaiser, M.J. and A.G. Pulsipher (with J. Darr, A. Singhal, T. Foster, and R. Vojjala).  Catastrophic event modeling in the Gulf of Mexico, I: Insurance markets and risk techniques.  Energy Sources Part B - Economics Planning and Policy  5(1):74-80.

      .  Catastrophic event modeling in the Gulf of Mexico, II: Industry exposure and value at risk.  Energy Sources Part B - Economics Planning and Policy  5(2):147-154.

McDaniel, M.D., D.E. Dismukes, L.L. Stuart, and K.R. Perry.  Louisiana greenhouse gas inventory.  Prepared for the Louisiana Department of Economic Development by Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies, February.     Click here to view or download complete publication.

McDaniel, M.D., D.E. Dismukes, L.L. Stuart, and J.L. Gilmore.  Louisiana greenhouse gas inventory project.  Task 2 report: Overview of states' climate action and/or alternative energy policy measures.  Prepared for the Louisiana Department of Economic Development by Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies, April.   Click here to view or download complete publication.

McDaniel, M.D. and K.R. Perry (with StarCrest Consulting Group, LLC).  Port Fourchon ozone day port-related emissions inventory study.  Prepared for ExxonMobil Baton Rouge by Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies and StarCrest Consulting Group, LLC.      Click here to view or download complete publication.



Dismukes, D.E.  Analysis of risk and post-hurricane reaction.  Paper presented at the 25th MMS Information Transfer Meeting, New Orleans, January 6-7.

Dismukes, D.E., C. Peters, and K. Perry.  The benefits of continued and expanded investments in the Port of Venice.  Venice Port Coalition, Inc.     Click here to view or download complete publication.

Iledare, O.O.  Modeling deepwater petroleum exploration and development efforts and outcomes in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico Region. Presentation at the 32nd USAEE/IAEE International Conference. San Francisco, California. June 21-24, 2009. Paper summary published in the Conference Book of Extended Abstract.

      .  Oil and gas sector reforms in Nigeria: perspectives on what is at stake. Port Harcourt Petroleum Review. Institute of Petroleum Studies, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria.

      .  Worldwide deepwater petroleum exploration and development prospectivity: Comparative analysis of efforts and outcomes.  Paper presented at the 2009 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans, Louisiana, October 4-7.  SPE#125085.  

Iledare, O.O., R. Pincomb, and D. Vitrano.  Deepwater petroleum exploration and development in Africa: An appraisal of factors, efforts, and outcomes, 1998-2007.  Paper presented at the 33rd Annual SPE International Technical Conference and Exhibition, Abuja, Nigeria, August 3-5. SPE#128340.

Kaiser, M.J.  An evaluation of post-hurricane recovery of oil and gas platforms destroyed in the 2004-2005 Gulf of Mexico hurricane seasons.  International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology 2(3):215-261. 

      .  Gulf marginal production-1: Reserves, revenues substantial in marginal Gulf of Mexico fields.  Oil & Gas Journal 107(45):32-39.

      .  Gulf marginal production-2: Model identifies marginal structures, future output.  Oil & Gas Journal107(46):33-38. 

      .  Hydrocarbon production forecast for committed assets in the shallow water Outer Continental Shelf of the Gulf of Mexico.  Energy-The International Journal 34:1813-1825.

      .  The impact of weather on offshore energy losses.  Energy Sources Part B-Economics Planning and Policy 4(1):59-67.

      .  Marginal production in the Gulf of Mexico and lost production from early decommissioning: Economic, environmental, and regulatory perspective.  Paper presented at the 25th MMS Information Transfer Meeting, New Orleans, January 6-7. 

Kaiser, M.J. and A.G. Pulsipher.  Scrap and storage markets in the Gulf of Mexico - I. Decommissioning operations. Energy Sources Part B-Economics Planning and Policy 4(4):420-428.

      .  Scrap and storage markets in the Gulf of Mexico - II. Disposal alternatives.  Energy Sources Part B-Economics Planning and Policy 4(4):429-438.

Kaiser, M.J., D.E. Dismukes, and Y. Yu.  The value of lost production from the 2004-2005 hurricane seasons in the Gulf of Mexico.  Journal of Business Valuation and Economic Loss Analysis  4(2).

Kaiser, M.J. and B. Snyder.  Offshore bonds-1: Raising supplemental bonding ups small company liabilities.  Oil & Gas Journal  107(33):37-43.

      .  Supplemental bonding in the Gulf of Mexico: The potential effects of increasing bond requirements. International Journal of Oil, Gas  and Coal Technology  2(3):262-279. 

Kaiser, M.J. and Y. Yu.   Gulf marginal production-3: Model tracks structures' transition from marginal to abandonment.  Oil & Gas Journal  107(47):33-39.

      .  Return of most reserves lost in Gustav, Ike predicted.  Oil and Gas Journal  107(27):46-56. 

Kaiser, M.J. (with J.H. Gary).  Refinery cost functions in the U.S. Gulf Coast.  Petroleum Science and Technology 27(2):168-181.

Kaiser, M.J. (with B.J. Kruse III).  Offshore bonds-Conclusion: Risk-adjusted methods update supplemental bonding calculations.  Oil & Gas Journal  107(34):48-53.

      .  A risk-adjusted method for determining OCS lease abandonment liability in the Gulf of Mexico for MMS supplemental bonding.  Paper presented at the 2009 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans, Louisiana, October 4-7.  SPE#124211.

Kaiser, M.J. (with J. Martin).  An update on the cost of net-trawling operations in the Gulf of Mexico.  Marine Policy 33(1):58-63.

Kaiser, M.J. (with R. Dodson and M. Foster).  An update of the cost of decommissioning in the Gulf of Mexico, 2003-2008.  International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology  2(2):89-120.

      .  Gulf of Mexico structure removal costs examined.  Oil and Gas Journal  107(23):37-43.

Kaiser, M.J. and Y. Yu (with C. Jablowonski).  A meta-model valuation of lost production in the Gulf of Mexico. Energy-The International Journal 34:1156-1171. 

McDaniel, M.D.  Louisiana's bioenergy future.  Paper presented at the 3rd Louisiana Natural Resources Symposium: Bioenergy Opportunities for Louisiana, Baton Rouge, LA, July 16-17.

      .  Will there be federal climate legislation this year?  The Alliance (Louisiana Chemical Industry newsletter), Spring, 10-11.

Snyder, B. and M.J. Kaiser.  A comparison of offshore wind power development in Europe and the U.S.: Patterns and drivers of development.  Applied Energy 86(10):1845-1856.

      .  Ecological and economic cost-benefit analysis of offshore wind energy.  Renewable Energy  34(6):1567-1578.

      .  Offshore wind power in the U.S.: Regulatory issues and models for regulation.  Energy Policy  37(11):4442-4453.



(Austin, D.) History of the offshore oil and gas industry in southern Louisiana. Volume III: Morgan City's history in the era of oil and gas - Perspectives of those who were there. Prepared for the U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service by Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies, September. MMS 2008-044.     Click here to view or download complete publication.

(Austin, D., ed.). History of the offshore oil and gas industry in southern Louisiana. Volume V: Guide to the interviews. Prepared for the U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service by Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies, September. MMS 2008-046.     Click here to view or download complete publication.

(Austin, D. and J. Gaines). History of the offshore oil and gas industry in southern Louisiana. Volume VI: A collection of photographs. Prepared for the U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service by Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies, September. MMS 2008-047.     Click here to view or download complete publication.

Dismukes, D. E. Examination of the development of liquefied natural gas on the Gulf of Mexico. Prepared for the U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service by Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies, July. MMS 2008-017.     Click here to view or download complete publication.

Goddard, D.A. (with E.A. Mancini, M. Horn, and S.C. Talukdar). Hydrocarbon generating potential: Jurassic Cotton Valley - Bossier Group, North Louisiana Salt Basin. Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions 58:305-325.     Click here to view or download complete publication.

Goddard, D. A. (with E. A. Mancini, P. Li, V. Ramirez, and S. C. Talukdar). Mesozoic (Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous) deep gas reservoir play, central and eastern Gulf coastal plain. AAPG Bulletin 92(3):283-308.

Iledare, O.O.  An appraisal of the oil and gas industry reform and institutional restructuring in Nigeria. IAEE Energy Forum (Fall).

      .Developing energy infrastructure for sustainable economic development: Lessons from the ten largest world economies. Paper presented at the 1st NAEE/IAEE International Conference, Abuja, Nigeria, April 28-30.

      . Economic characterization of key players and factors driving global petroleum supply and pricing trend. Paper presented at the 31st IAEE International Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, June 16-20.

      . Petroleum and the future of Nigeria: Challenges, constraints and strategies for growth and development. Institute of Petroleum Studies, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria. IPS Monograph Series No. 5, p. 30.

      . Petroleum based economy: Understanding the new policy path to sustainable growth and prosperity. Paper presented at the 31st IAEE International Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, June 16-20.

      . Profitability of deepwater petroleum leases:  Empirical evidence from the U.S. Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. SPE paper (#116602)  presented at the 2008 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Denver, Colorado, September 21-24.

      . Simulation analysis of the economics of offshore petroleum lease development in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico deepwater region Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the USAEE, New Orleans, December.

Kaiser, M.J. A review of ship breaking and rig scrapping in the Gulf of Mexico. Ocean Development and International Law 39(2):178-199.

      . Economic limit of offshore structures in the Gulf of Mexico - Descriptive statistics. Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy 3(2):203-214.

      . Economic limit of offshore structures in the Gulf of Mexico - Regression modeling. Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy 3(3):280-288.

      . Modeling regulatory policies associated with offshore structure removal requirements in the Gulf of Mexico.Energy 33(7):1038-1054.

      . The impact of extreme weather on offshore production in the Gulf of Mexico. Applied Mathematical Modelling 32(10):1996-2018.

Kaiser, M.J. and A.G. Pulsipher.  A review and update of supplemental bonding requirements in the Gulf of Mexico.  Prepared for the U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service by Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies, October.  TA&R #600.

Kaiser, M. J., D. E. Dismukes, and Y. Yu. Modeling Gulf of Mexico lost production - 1: Field redevelopment economics and storm impact assessment. Oil & Gas Journal 106(25):42-50.     Click here to view or download complete publication.

      . Modeling Gulf of Mexico lost production - 2: Model framework can aid decision on redevelopment. Oil & Gas Journal 106(26):49-53.

      . Modeling Gulf of Mexico lost production - 3: Value of production losses tallied for 2004-05 storms. Oil & Gas Journal 106(27):32-36.

Kaiser, M.J. (with R.A. Kasprzak). The impact of the 2005 hurricane season on the Louisiana Artificial Reef Program. Marine Policy 32(6):956-967.

Kaiser, M.J. and Y. Yu (with C. Jablonowski). Modeling Gulf of Mexico lost production - 4: Meta evaluation helps model lost Gulf of Mexico output. Oil & Gas Journal 106(28):30-34.

(McGuire, T.). History of the offshore oil and gas industry in southern Louisiana. Volume II: Bayou Lafourche - Oral histories of the oil and gas industry. Prepared for the U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service by Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies, September. MMS 2008-043.    Click here to view or download complete publication.

Pulsipher, A.G. (with D. Austin, T. Priest, L. Penney, J. Pratt, J. Abel, and J. Taylor). History of the offshore oil and gas industry in southern Louisiana. Volume I: Papers on the evolving offshore industry. Prepared for the U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service by Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies, September. MMS 2008-042.     Click here to view or download complete publication.

(Sell, J.L. and T. McGuire). History of the offshore oil and gas industry in southern Louisiana. Volume IV: Terrebonne Parish. Prepared for the U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service by Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies, September. MMS 2008-045.     Click here to view or download complete publication.



Dismukes, D. E., M. Barnett, and D. Vitrano (with K. Strellec). Gulf of Mexico OCS oil and gas scenario examination: Onshore waste disposal. Prepared for the U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service by Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies, August. MMS 2007-051.

Goddard, D. A. Geology of the Wilds distributary channel complex: Wilcox group of east-central, Louisiana. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies.

-----. History of the San Jacinto mercury mine; Baragua mountain range, state of Lara, Venezuela. Trans. IX Venezuelan Geological Congress, Caracas Venezuela.

-----. Organic geochemistry of Wilcox shale, coal, and oils: Concordia Parish, Louisiana. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies.

-----. Reservoir characterization of the Wilcox Miller sandstone in east-central Louisiana. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies.

Iledare, O. O. An appraisal of the global E&P industry and its response to changes in crude oil prices. Proceedings of the SPE Annual International Conference & Exhibition, Abuja, Nigeria, August 6-8. SPE Paper #111901.

-----. Modeling petroleum price impact on global petroleum E&P industry dynamics, 1980-2006. Presentation, USAEE/IAEE North American Conference, Houston, TX. September 16-19.

-----. Oil and the future of Nigeria: Perspectives on challenges and strategic actions for sustainable economic growth and development. IAEE Newsletter 16(Second Quarter):21-25.

Iledare, O. O. and A. G. Pulsipher. Joint bidding restriction policy for selective E&P firms in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico OCS: How persuasive is its effectiveness? Energy Policy 35(6):3126-3133.

Iledare, O.O. and M.J. Kaiser. Competition and performance in oil and gas lease sales and development in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico OCS region, 1983-1999. Prepared for the U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service by Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies, May. MMS 2007-034.
Click here to view or download complete publication.

-----. Prospectivity, productivity, and profitability on offshore oil and gas leases: The case of the U.S. Gulf of Mexico OCS. USAEE Dialogue 15(3): 23-25.

Kaiser, M. J. Estimating drilling costs-1: Joint association survey, mechanical risk index methods common in GOM. Oil & Gas Journal 105(29):39-47.

-----. Estimating drilling costs-2: Indices describe complexity of drilling directional, extended-reach wells. Oil & Gas Journal 105(30):46-52.

-----. Fiscal system analysis-Concessionary systems. Energy 32(11):2135-2147.

-----. World offshore energy loss statistics. Energy Policy 35(6):3496-3525.

Kaiser, M. J. and A. G. Pulsipher. Estimating drilling costs-Conclusion: Systems approach combines hybrid drilling cost functions. Oil & Gas Journal 105(32):39-47.

-----. Generalized functional models for drilling cost estimation. SPE Drilling & Completion 22(2):67-73.

-----. Idle iron in the Gulf of Mexico. Prepared for the U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service by Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies, May. MMS 2007-031.
Click here to view or download complete publication.

-----. The impact of weather and ocean forecasting on hydrocarbon production and pollution management in the Gulf of Mexico. Energy Policy 35(2):966-983.

-----. Offshore energy loss-1: Loss categories, hazard types in marine operations described. Oil & Gas Journal105(17):39-44.

-----. Offshore energy loss-2: Insurance statistical analysis provided for marine E&D. Oil & Gas Journal105(18):33-38.

-----. Offshore energy loss-3: Weather's role important in marine E&D operations. Oil & Gas Journal105(19):36-38.

-----. A review of the oil and gas sector in Kazakhstan. Energy Policy 35(2):1300-1314.

Kaiser, M. J. and A. G. Pulsipher (with A. Singhal, T. Foster, and R. Vojjala). Catastrophic event modeling-1: How coverage has evolved for offshore storm risks. Oil & Gas Journal 105(45):36-44.

-----. Catastrophic event modeling-2: Industry exposure and value at risk to storms in the Gulf of Mexico. Oil & Gas Journal 105(46):36-42.

Kaiser, M. J. (with R. Dodson). Cost of plug and abandonment operations in the Gulf of Mexico. Marine Technology Society Journal 41(2):12-22.

-----. Gulf update-1: Gulf of Mexico P&A costs begin to recover from 2005 hurricanes. Oil & Gas Journal105(45):45-55.

Kaiser, M. J. (with J. H. Gary). Study updates refinery investment cost curves. Oil & Gas Journal 105(16):84-94.

Kaiser, M.J. (with J.H. Gary and G.E. Handwerk).  Petroleum refining: Technology and economics.  Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press.  488 pp.

Kaiser, M. J. (with R. Kasprzak). Louisiana adds new reef sites for storm-damaged structures. Oil & Gas Journal 105(22):43-52.

Kaiser, M. J. (with J. Martin). Gulf update-conclusion: Study updates elements, costs of Gulf of Mexico net trawling. Oil & Gas Journal 105(46):43-49.

Pulsipher, A. G. Living on the edge of the offshore oil and gas industry: Did it make a difference for the incomes of coastal residents. Paper presented at the American Society for Environmental History 2007 Conference, Baton Rouge, LA, March 2.

-----. "The properties and relevancy of merit goods." reprinted in An Anthology Regarding Merit Goods: the Unfinished Ethical Revolution in Economic Theory. (ed) Wilfried Ver Eecke. Purdue University Press, pp. 153-173.



Baumann, R. H. Estimates of Louisiana state motor fuel taxes by parish and historical trends. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies.

Dismukes, D. E., J. M. Burke, and D. V. Mesyanzhinov. Estimating the impact of royalty relief on oil and gas production on marginal state leases in the US. Energy Policy 34(12):1389-1398.

Dismukes, D. E. (with K. E. Hughes II). Executive compensation in the electric power industry: Is it excessive? Oil, Gas & Energy Quarterly 54(4):913-940.

-----. The IRS's latest proposal on tax normalization: A pyrrhic victory for ratepayers. Oil, Gas & Energy Quarterly 55(1):217-236.

-----. Renewable portfolio standards in the electric power industry. Oil, Gas & Energy Quarterly 54(3):693-706.

Goddard, D. A. Louisiana wellbore completion schematics and formation tops. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies.
Click here for more information.

-----. Venezuela sedimentary basins: Principal reservoirs & completion practices. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies.
Click here to view or download complete publication.

Goddard, D. A. (with E. A. Mancini). Resource assessment of the in-place and potentially recoverable deep natural gas resource of the onshore interior salt basins, north central and northeastern Gulf of Mexico. Department of Energy (DOE) Final Report, 179 p.

Goddard, D. A. (with E. A. Mancini, R. Barnaby, and P. Aharon). Basin analysis and petroleum system characterization and modeling, interior salt basins, central and eastern Gulf of Mexico. DOE Topical Technical Report, Final Report, Phase 1, DE-FC26-03NT15395.

Goddard, D. A. (with E. A. Mancini, J. A. Obid, and V. O. Ramirez). Characterization of Jurassic and Cretaceous facies and petroleum reservoirs in the interior salt basins, central and eastern Gulf Coastal Plain. East Texas Geological Society Symposium Volume, p. 11-1 to 11-27.

Iledare, O. O. Petroleum resource development measures: Empirical evidence from the U.S. GOM. Presentation, USAEE/IAEE North American Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, September. Published in CD-ROM Proceedings of the Conference.

Iledare, O. O. and M. Kaiser. Petroleum resource development performance indicators: A case study of the U.S. Gulf of Mexico region, 1983-1999. Presentation, SPE Nigeria Annual International Conference and Exhibition (NAICE 2006), July 31-August 2. Published in CD-ROM Proceedings of the Conference.

Iledare, O. O. and W. O. Olatubi. Economic effects of petroleum prices and production in the Gulf of Mexico OCS on the U.S. Gulf coast economy. Prepared for the U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service by Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies, October. MMS 2006-063.
Click here to view or download complete publication.

Kaiser, M. J. Empirical models of extreme weather impacts on shut-in production in the Gulf of Mexico. Marine Technology Society Journal 40(1):4-14.

-----. Fiscal system analysis - contractual systems. International Journal of Global Energy Issues 26(1/2):106-135.

-----. Hydrocarbon production cost functions in the Gulf of Mexico. Energy 31(12):1726-1747.

-----. The Louisiana artificial reef program. Marine Policy 30(6):605-623.

-----. A meta-modeling simulation of structure abandonment timing decisions. Applied Mathematical Modelling 30(9):951-973.

-----. Offshore decommissioning cost estimation in the Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management 132(3):249-258.

-----. The Texas artificial reef program. Marine Technology Society Journal 40(1):62-72.

Kaiser, M. J. and W. O. Iledare. The Gulf of Mexico decommissioning market. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management 132(8):815-826.

Kaiser, M. J. and A. G. Pulsipher. Capital investment decision making and trends: Implications on petroleum resource development in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico. Prepared for the U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Minerals Management Service by Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies, October. MMS 2006-064.
Click here to view or download complete publication.

-----. Concerns over the allocation methods employed in the US low-income home energy assistance program. Interfaces 36(4):344-358.

-----. Gulf severe storms-1: Analysis of extreme weather events shows vulnerability of Gulf of Mexico production. Oil & Gas Journal 104(17):38-48.

-----. Gulf severe storms-2: Empirical models help gauge production lost due to storms. Oil & Gas Journal 104(18):36-40.

-----. How Kazakhstan's contractual arrangements have changed. Oil & Gas Journal 104(26):34-35.

-----. Kazakhstan's outlook-1: High costs, uncertainty challenge operators in promising Kazakhstan. Oil & Gas Journal 104(25):39-44.

-----. Kazakhstan's outlook-2: Kazakh E&P contracts, pipelines evolve but refining in doldrums. Oil & Gas Journal 104(26):30-38.

-----. Kazakhstan's outlook-3: Business environment still seen as risky in Kazakhstan. Oil & Gas Journal 104(27):32-38. 

-----. Modeling the cost of shut-in production and the value of information in the Gulf of Mexico. Energy 31(4):358-408.

-----. Science and politics: The 1981 and 1984 LIHEAP distribution formulas. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 40(1):15-51.

Pulsipher, A. G. Accounting for socioeconomic change from offshore oil and gas: Cumulative effects on Louisiana's coastal parishes, 1969-2000. Prepared for the U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service by Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies, June. MMS 2006-030.
Click here to view or download complete publication.

Surman, M. (with B. Harder). Louisiana parish well reference: Cartographic, production and well information reference 1900-2004: Rapides & Vernon Parishes [CD-ROM]. (Baton Rouge, LA: Petroleum Technology Transfer Council, Central Gulf Region).



Baumann, R. H., A. G. Pulsipher, and M. J. Kaiser. Louisiana tax-relief helps restore inactive well production.Oil & Gas Journal 103(21):49-52.

Dismukes, D. E. A collaborative investigation of baseline and scenario information for environmental impact statements. Paper presented at the 2005 MMS Information Transfer Meeting, New Orleans, January 11-13.

-----. The road ahead: The outlook for Louisiana energy. Louisiana: Proud Past, Promising Future. Hart Energy Publishing, Houston, TX. pp. 68-72.

Dismukes, D. E., K. A. R. Darby, J. M. Burke, and R. H. Baumann. Louisiana's oil and gas industry: a study of the recent deterioration of state activity. Baton Rouge, Louisiana Department of Natural Resources.

Dismukes, D. E., and D. V. Mesyanzhinov (with A. Chambers, D. M. Kline, L. Vimmerstedt, and A. Diem). Comparison of methods for estimating the NOx emission impacts of energy efficiency and renewable energy projects: Shreveport, Louisiana case study. National Renewable Energy Laboratory Technical Report, July 2005.
Click here to view or download complete publication.

Dismukes, D. E. (with K. E. Hughes II). Can LNG preserve the gas-power convergence? Oil, Gas & Energy Quarterly 53(3):783-796.

-----. The nuclear power plant endgame: decommissioning and permanent waste storage. Oil, Gas & Energy Quarterly 53(4):981-997.

-----. Regulating mercury emissions from electric utilities: good environmental stewardship or bad public policy? Oil, Gas & Energy Quarterly 54(2):401-424.

-----. Using industrial-only retail choice as a means of moving competition forward in the electric power industry. Oil, Gas & Energy Quarterly 54(1):211-223.

Goddard, D. A. Integrated reservoir studies & "re-exploration" in mature oil & gas fields: Brief notes. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies.

Goddard, D. A. (with R. K. Zimmerman and C. M. Meeks). Remaining hydrocarbon potential in Oligocene reservoirs of mature fields, West Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana. Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, Volume 55, 2005, pages 251-267.

Goddard, D. A. (with E. A. Mancini, R. Barnaby, and P. Aharon). Resource assessment of the in-place and potentially recoverable deep natural gas resource of the onshore interior salt basins, north central and northeastern Gulf of Mexico. DOE Project Technical Report, Year 2, DE-FC26-03NT41875.

Goddard, D. A. (with E. A. Mancini, R. K. Zimmerman, and P. Aharon). Basin analysis and petroleum system characterization and modeling, interior salt basins, central and eastern Gulf of Mexico. DOE Topical Technical Report, Year 2, DE-FC26-03NT15395.

Goddard, D. A. (with E. A. Mancini, R. K. Zimmerman, and P. Li). Petroleum source rocks of the onshore interior salt basins, North Central and Northeastern Gulf of Mexico. Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, Volume 55, pages 486-504.

Iledare, O. O. and F. AlAdwani. Predicting crude oil price trends using artificial neural network modeling approach. Presentation, 25th USAEE/IAEE North American Conference, Denver, September 18-22. Published in CD-ROM Proceedings of the Conference.

Iledare, O. O. and E. Catak. Natural gas supply diversification in Europe: Role of Turkey as a transit country. Published in the IAEE Newsletter, 2005.

Iledare, O. O., M. Kaiser and A. Pulsipher. Offshore E&P project economics and take statistics: Results from a meta modeling analysis of production sharing contracts. Presentation, SPE Nigeria Annual International Conference and Exhibition (NAICE 2005), August 1-3. Published in CD-ROM Proceedings of the Conference.

Iledare, O. O. and W.O. Olatubi. Economic effects of changes in oil and gas prices and petroleum resource development in onshore Louisiana and state offshore waters. Presentation, MMS Information Transfer Meeting, New Orleans, January 11-13. Published in CD-ROM Proceedings of the Conference.

Kaiser, M. J. Decommission obligations-1: FASB 143 rules will change decommission liability. Oil & Gas Journal 103(10):43-49.

-----. Decommission obligations-conclusion: Cost functions estimate offshore liabilities. Oil & Gas Journal 103(11):44-49.

-----. Models predict cost savings of Louisiana program. Oil & Gas Journal 103(29):38-41.

-----. Rigs-to-reef conclusion: Texas, Louisiana programs offer similar cost savings. Oil & Gas Journal 103(32): 54-60.

-----. Various factors affect reefing decisions. Oil & Gas Journal 103(28):37-42.

Kaiser, M. J. and D. V. Mesyanzhinov. Study tabulates idle Gulf of Mexico structures. Oil & Gas Journal 103(1):46-49.

Kaiser, M. J., D. V. Mesyanzhinov, and A. G. Pulsipher. Modeling structure removal processes in the Gulf of Mexico. Prepared for the U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service by Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies, June. MMS 2005-029.
Click here to view or download complete publication.

Kaiser, M. J., W. O. Olatubi, and A. G. Pulsipher. Economic, energy, and environmental impact of the Louisiana Energy Fund. Energy Policy 33(7):873-883.

Kaiser, M. J. and A. G. Pulsipher. Rigs-to-reef programs in the Gulf of Mexico. Ocean Development & International Law April-June 36(2):119-134.

-----. Functional approximation and optimal specification of the mechanical risk index. Risk Analysis 25(5): 1313-1323.

Kaiser, M. J. and A. G. Pulsipher (with J. Martin). The cost of site clearance and verification operations in the Gulf of Mexico. ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management 131(1):117-126.

Pulsipher, A. G. Accounting for economic change in the Gulf of Mexico: Developing a comparative context for regional economic analysis and history. Paper presented at the 2005 MMS Information Transfer Meeting, New Orleans, January 11-13.

Surman, M. (with B. Harder). Louisiana parish well reference: Cartographic, production and well information reference 1900-2004: Cameron Parish [CD-ROM]. (Baton Rouge, LA: Petroleum Technology Transfer Council, Central Gulf Region).

-----. Louisiana parish well reference: Cartographic, production and well information reference 1900-2004: Saint Bernard Parish [CD-ROM]. (Baton Rouge, LA: Petroleum Technology Transfer Council, Central Gulf Region).



D. Austin and T. McGuire). History of the offshore oil and gas industry in southern Louisiana: Interim report; Volume III: Samples of interviews and ethnographic prefaces. Prepared for the U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service by Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies, July. MMS 2004-051.
Click here to view or download complete publication.

Baumann, R. H. Estimates of Louisiana state motor fuel taxes by parish. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies.

Dismukes, D. E. Trends and issues in the natural gas industry and the development of LNG; Implications for Louisiana. Proceedings of the 51st Mineral Law Institute, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, April 2.

Dismukes, D. E. and D. V. Mesyanzhinov (with E. A. Downer). Economic opportunities for a limited industrial retail choice plan in Louisiana. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies.
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-----. Economic opportunities for LNG development in Louisiana. Prepared for the Louisiana Department of Economic Development and Greater New Orleans, Inc. by Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies, April.
Click here to view or download Adobe Acrobat presentation.
Click here to view or download complete Microsoft PowerPoint presentation.

Dismukes, D. E., D. V. Mesyanzhinov, J. M. Burke, and R. H. Baumann. Marginal oil and gas production in Louisiana: An empirical examination of state activities and policy mechanisms for stimulating additional production. Prepared for the Office of Mineral Resources, a division of the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources by Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies, April.

Dismukes, D. E. (with E. A. Downer). Competitive bidding as a means of securing opportunities for efficiency. Electricity and Natural Gas 21(4):15-21.

-----. Competitive power procurement an appropriate strategy in a quasi-regulated world. In Electric and Natural Gas Business: Using New Strategies, Understanding the Issues, R. E. Willett, ed. Houston, TX: Financial Communications Company, 91-104.

Dismukes, D. E. (with K. E. Hughes II). The challenges associated with a nuclear power revival: Revisiting its past. Oil, Gas & Energy Quarterly 53(1):193-211.

-----. Deregulation of generating assets and the disposition of excess deferred federal income taxes. International Energy Law and Taxation Review 10(October):206-212.

-----. Deregulation of generating assets and the disposition of excess deferred federal income taxes: A "Catch-22" for ratepayers. Oil, Gas & Energy Quarterly 52(4):873-891.

-----. The evolving markets for polluting emissions: From sulfur dioxide to carbon dioxide. Oil, Gas & Energy Quarterly 53(2):479-494.

-----. Will competitive bidding make a comeback? Oil, Gas & Energy Quarterly 52(3):659-674.

Goddard, D. A. Characteristics of deltaic reservoirs. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies.

Goddard, D. A. (with E. A. Mancini, R. K. Zimmerman, and P. Aharon). Basin analysis and petroleum system characterization and modeling, interior salt basins, central and eastern Gulf of Mexico. DOE Topical Technical Report, Year 1, DE-FC26-03NT15395.

-----. Resource assessment of the in-place and potentially rcoverable deep natural gas resource of the onshore interior salt basins, north central and northeastern Gulf of Mexico. DOE Project Technical Report, Year 1, DE-FC26-03NT41875.

Iledare, O. O. Analyzing the impacts of petroleum fiscal system and prices on petroleum E&P economics and government takes. 2004 Proceedings of the SPE Annual International Technical Conference & Exhibition, Abuja, Nigeria, August 2-4.

-----. An appraisal of the outlook for hydrocarbon resources potential in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf. Presentation at the 2004 International Seminar on Strategic Natural Resources organized by the Center for Investigation on North America, National University of Mexico, Mexico City, May 27-28.
Click here to view or download complete publication.

-----. An empirical analysis of OPEC quota mechanism and its determinants, 1993-2003. Proceedings of the USAEE/IAEE 2004 North American Conference, Washington, DC, July 6-10.

-----. E&P economics, government takes and oil prices: Is there any connection? Paper presented at the 2004 USAEE/IAEE Annual North American Conference, Washington, DC, July 6-10.

-----. The global warming potential of energy use in the U.S. economy: What does the empirical evidence suggest? Paper presented at the Environmental Graduate Organization's Environmental Studies Seminar Series, Louisiana State University, School of the Coast and Environment, Department of Environmental Studies, Baton Rouge, November 5.

-----. Oil & gas as engines for economic growth: Issues and policy actions for sustainable economic growth in Nigeria? Paper presented in the plenary session at the SPE Annual International Technical Conference & Exhibition, Abuja, Nigeria, August 2-4.

-----. An overview of factors underlying global crude oil reserve estimates and supply patterns. Presentation at Kiwanis International Weekly Meeting, Baton Rouge, LA, September 9.
Click here to view or download complete publication.

-----. The U.S. Gulf of Mexico OCS resources and proved ultimate reserves: Evaluating the significance of deepwater E&P operations. USAEE Dialogue 17(3):17-20.

Iledare, O. O., A. G. Pulsipher, W. O. Olatubi, and D. V. Mesyanzhinov. An empirical analysis of the determinants and value of high bonus bids for petroleum leases in the U.S. outer continental shelf (OCS). Energy Economics 26(2):239-259.

Iledare, O. O. and W. O. Olatubi. Effects of changes in oil and gas prices and State offshore petroleum production on the Louisiana economy, 1969-1999. Prepared for the U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service by Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies, August. MMS 2004-052.
Click here to view or download complete publication.

-----. The impact of changes in crude oil prices and offshore oil production on the economic performance of U.S. coastal Gulf States. The Energy Journal 25(2):97-114.

Kaiser, M. J. and A. G. Pulsipher. Fiscal system analysis: Concessionary and contractual systems used in offshore petroleum arrangements. Prepared for the U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service by Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies, March. MMS 2004-016.
Click here to view or download complete publication.

-----. Gulf of Mexico decommissioning-1: Various factors affect severance selection. Oil & Gas Journal 102(36):41-52.

-----. Gulf of Mexico decommissioning-4: Explosives offer another option. Oil & Gas Journal 102(41):37-42.

-----. Gulf of Mexico decommissioning-conclusion: Model estimates explosive costs. Oil & Gas Journal 102(43):50-53.

-----. WAP explained. Energy Policy 32(16):1843-1860.

Kaiser, M. J. and A. G. Pulsipher (with R. C. Byrd). Gulf of Mexico decommissioning-2: Abrasive cutting offers one option. Oil & Gas Journal 102(37):37-43.

-----. Gulf of Mexico decommissioning-3: Model estimates abrasive cutting costs. Oil & Gas Journal 102(39):44-47.

Kaiser, M. J., D. V. Mesyanzhinov, and A. G. Pulsipher. Long-term oil and gas structure installation and removal forecasting in the Gulf of Mexico: A decision- and resource-based approach. Prepared for the U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service by Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies, May. MMS 2004-009.
Click here to view or download complete publication.

Kaiser, M. J., A. G. Pulsipher, and R. H. Baumann. The potential economic and environmental impact of a public benefit fund in Louisiana. Energy Policy 32(2):191-206.

(T. McGuire). History of the offshore oil and gas industry in southern Louisiana: Interim report; Volume II: Bayou Lafourche - An oral history of the development of the oil and gas industry. Prepared for the U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service by Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies, July. MMS 2004-050.
Click here to view or download complete publication.

Pulsipher, A. G. One cheer for the Frist/Alexander plan to remodel TVA. The Electricity Journal 17(6):39-50.

Pulsipher, A. G. (with D. Austin, B. Carriker, T. McGuire, J. Pratt, and T. Priest). 2004. History of the offshore oil and gas industry in southern Louisiana: Interim report; Volume I: Papers on the evolving offshore industry. Prepared for the U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service by Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies, July. MMS 2004-049.
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Dismukes, D. E. Affordable energy: the key component of a strong economy. Presentation at the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) 115th Annual Meeting, Atlanta, November 16-19.

-----. Competitive bidding in the electric power industry. Proceedings of the Association of Energy Engineers, New Orleans, December 12.

Dismukes, D. E. and D. V. Mesyanzhinov. Economic displacement opportunities in southeastern power markets. USAEE Dialogue 11(3):20-24.

Dismukes, D. E., D. V. Mesyanzhinov, and J. M. Burke (with E. A. Downer). The power of generation: continued economic benefits from independent power development in Louisiana. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies, April.
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Dismukes, D. E., D. V. Mesyanzhinov, and J. M. Burke (with W. E. Nebesky). Alaskan north slope gas pipeline gives results hard to quantify. In Electric & Natural Gas Business: Understanding It!, R. E. Willett, ed. Houston, TX: Financial Communications Company, 185-205.

Dismukes, D. E., W. O. Olatubi, D. V. Mesyanzhinov, and A. G. Pulsipher. Modeling the economic impacts of offshore oil and gas activities in the Gulf of Mexico: methods and applications. Prepared for the U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service by Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies, March. MMS 2003-018.
Click here to view or download complete publication.

Dismukes, D. E. (with K. E. Hughes II). An electric utility's exposure to future environmental costs: does it matter? You bet! Oil, Gas & Energy Quarterly 52(2):457-469.

-----. "Clear skies" or storm clouds ahead? The continuing debate over air pollution and climate change. Oil, Gas & Energy Quarterly 51(4):823-848.

-----. What happened to the merchant energy industry? Issues, challenges and outlook. Oil, Gas & Energy Quarterly 51(3):635-652.

-----. White paper or white flag: do FERC's concessions represent a significant withdrawal from wholesale power market reform? Oil, Gas & Energy Quarterly 52(1):197-207.

Dismukes, D. E. (with R. F. Cope III and J. W. Yeargain). Reflections on the U.S. electric power production industry: precedent decisions vs market pressures. Journal of Legal, Ethical, and Regulatory Issues. 6(1).

Goddard, D. A. (with R. K. Zimmerman). Shallow Miocene and Oligocene gas potential: southeastern Louisiana's Florida parishes. GCAGS/GCSSEPM Transactions 53:287-301.

------. Southeast Louisiana's shallow gas potential: E&P opportunities for the independent operator. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies, March.
Click here to view or download complete publication.

Iledare, O. O. A short course in petroleum economics for engineers and geoscientists. SPE Annual International Conference & Exhibition, Abuja, Nigeria, August 2.

-----. Valuation and innovative financing of marginal oil fields. Paper presented at the Marginal Field Workshop organized by the Society of Petroleum Engineers, Nigeria Council, Abuja, Nigeria, August 3.

Iledare, O. O. and W. O. Olatubi. Economic effects of changes in oil and gas prices and petroleum resource development in onshore Louisiana and state offshore waters. Paper presented at the 2003 MMS Information Transfer Meeting, New Orleans, January 14-16.

-----. OPEC oil production strategy and its implication on global oil market stability. Proceedings of the Society of Petroleum Engineers Hydrocarbon Economics and Evaluation Symposium, Dallas, April 5-8, SPE Paper #82041.

Iledare, O. O., W. O. Olatubi, and A. G. Pulsipher. Onshore effects of offshore petroleum production: a case study of the U.S. Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) and the Louisiana economy. Paper presented at the Annual SPE International Technical Conference & Exhibition, Abuja, Nigeria, August 4-7, SPE Paper #85657.

Kaiser, M. J. and A. G. Pulsipher. A binary choice model for the removal of offshore structures in the Gulf of Mexico. USAEE Dialogue 11(1):20-24.

-----. A generalized modeling framework for public benefit fund program valuation. Energy 28:519-538.

-----. Fiscal meta-modeling-1: new approach offered to smooth fiscal system analysis and design. Oil & Gas Journal 101(43):42-46.

-----. Fiscal meta-modeling-2: meta-modeling system applied to gulf's Na Kika fields group. Oil & Gas Journal 101(44):43-45.

-----. Forecasting the explosive removals of offshore structures in the Gulf of Mexico. Paper presented at the 2003 MMS Information Transfer Meeting, New Orleans, January 14-16.

-----. LIHEAP reauthorization: is the time right for a formula fight? The Electricity Journal 16(5):65-77.

-----. LIHEAP reconsidered. Energy Policy 31(14):1441-1458.

-----. Resource allocation decision modeling for a Louisiana public benefit fund program. Energy Economics 25(6):639-667.

-----. The WAP funding formula: ambiguous, contentious, forgotten. The Electricity Journal 16(9):68-82.

Kaiser, M. J. and A. G. Pulsipher (with R. C. Byrd). Decommissioning cost functions in the Gulf of Mexico.Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering. 129(6):286-296.

-----. Study estimates Gulf of Mexico decommissioning costs. Oil & Gas Journal 101(38):39-47.

Olatubi, W. O. (with S. C. No). On the vulnerability of the oil and gas industry to oil price changes. Atlantic Economic Journal 31(4):363-375.

Olatubi, W. O. (with Y. Zhang). A dynamic estimation of total energy demand for the southern states. The Review of Regional Studies 33(2):206-228.

Pulsipher, A. G. The Gulf of Mexico oil history project, results from a year of research. Moderated session at the 2003 MMS Information Transfer Meeting, New Orleans, January 14-16.

Pulsipher, A. G., O. O. Iledare, and D. V. Mesyanzhinov. Changing patterns of ownership and control in the petroleum industry: implications for the market for oil and gas leases in the Gulf of Mexico OCS region, 1983-1999. Prepared for the U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service by Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies, October. MMS 2003-041.
Click here to view or download complete publication.



Baumann, R. H., D. E. Dismukes, D. V. Mesyanzhinov, and A. G. Pulsipher. Analysis of the economic impact associated with oil and gas activities on state leases. Prepared for the Office of Mineral Resources, a division of the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources by Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies, March.
Click here to view or download complete publication.

Dismukes, D. E. The role of distributed energy resources in a restructured power industry. In The Future of electric power deregulation, R. D. Sauer, ed. Washington, DC: Freedom Press, forthcoming.

Dismukes, D. E. and J. M. Burke (with M. J. Collette and R. D. Priddy). Distributed energy resources show promise wellhead to burnertip. In Natural Gas & Electric Power Industries Analysis 2002 edition, R. E. Willett, ed. Houston, TX: Financial Communications Company, 114-131.

Dismukes, D. E. (with R. F. Cope III and J. W. Yeargain). Technology based ethical issues surrounding the California energy crisis. Proceedings of the Academy of Legal, Ethical, and Regulatory Issues, Las Vegas, NV, October 2-5.

Dismukes, D. E. (with F. I. Denny). Power system operations and electricity markets. New York: CRC Press, 134pp.

Dismukes, D. E. (with K. E. Hughes II). An assessment of the role and importance of power marketers. Oil, Gas & Energy Quarterly 50(3):713-731.

-----Is there a role for the TVA in post-restructured electric markets? Oil, Gas & Energy Quarterly 51(2):433-454.

-----Standardizing wholesale markets for energy. Oil, Gas & Energy Quarterly 51(1):207-225.

-----Will electric restructuring ever get back on track? Texas is not California. Oil, Gas & Energy Quarterly 50(4):943-960.

 Dismukes, D. E. and D. V. Mesyanzhinov. Alaska in-state natural gas demand study. Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Division of Oil and Gas.

 Dismukes, D. E., D. V. Mesyanzhinov (with W. Nebesky). New role for North Slope gas in Southcentral Alaska. Natural Gas 19(2):10-15.

 -----The role of ANS gas on Southcentral Alaskan development. Proceedings of the International Association for Energy Economics: Energy Markets in Turmoil: Making Sense of It All, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, October.

Dismukes, D. E. (with V. Zatarain). New consistent approach to modeling regional economic impacts of offshore oil and gas activities in the Gulf of Mexico. Paper presented at the 2002 IMPLAN User's Conference, New Orleans, LA, September 4-6.

Goddard, D. A. (with S. C. Talukdar). Cretaceous fine-grained mudstones of the Maracaibo Basin, Venezuela. GCAGS Transactions 52:1093-1101.

Goddard, D. A. (with R. K. Zimmerman, C. D. White, and M. N. Birdwell). Dominant structural and stratigraphic characteristics influencing hydrocarbon production distribution in Louisiana's Livingston Field. GCAGS Transactions 52:337-349.

Goddard, D. A. (with R. K. Zimmerman, C. D. White, and L. Hongmei). Affects of Eocene beach rock on reservoir compartmentalization in Livingston parish, Louisiana. Paper presented at the AAPG Annual Meeting 2002, Houston, Texas.

Iledare, O. O. Economic analysis of oil and gas ventures and operations: a short course in petroleum economics for petroleum engineers and geoscientists. SPE Annual International Conference & Exhibition, Abuja, Nigeria, August 5-8.

----- Fundamentals of petroleum industry economics. Paper presented at the Petroleum Economic Workshop organized by the Petroleum Technology Development Fund for Nigerian Key Legislators and Senior Government Officials, Libreville, Gabon, October 24-27.

-----Global petroleum supply and pricing: implications on deepwater exploration and production. Paper presented in session on deepwater exploration: strategies for unrestricted production plans at SPE Annual International Conference & Exhibition, Abuja, Nigeria, August 5-8.

-----Petroleum policy implementation and sustainable economic growth: where is the link? Keynote paper presented on new approach to petroleum policy implementation towards sustainable capacity growth at SPE Annual International Conference & Exhibition, Abuja, Nigeria, August 5-8.

Iledare, O. O. (with D. Nottingham). Factors affecting the shareholder value in the E&P industry: an appraisal. Proceedings of the SPE Annual International Conference & Exhibition, Abuja, Nigeria, August 5-8, SPE Paper #79180.

Iledare, O. O., A. G. Pulsipher, and D. V. Mesyanzhinov. Corporate alliances and firm size in the E&P industry: implications on the market for OCS leases. Proceedings of the International Association for Energy Economics: Energy Markets in Turmoil: Making Sense of It All, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, October.

-----Effects of firm size and corporate alliances on the market for offshore oil and gas leases: empirical evidence from the Gulf of Mexico OCS, 1983-1999. USAEE Dialogue 10(3):10-13.

-----The effects of merger and acquisitions on petroleum resource allocation in the Gulf of Mexico OCS region, 1983-1999. Paper presented at the 2002 MMS Information Transfer Meeting, New Orleans, January 8-10.

Kaiser, M. J., D. V. Mesyanzhinov, and A. G. Pulsipher. Explosive removals of offshore structures in the Gulf of Mexico. Ocean & Coastal Management 45(8):459-483.

 -----. Forecasting the explosive removals of offshore structures. Paper presented at the 2002 MMS Information Transfer Meeting, New Orleans, January 8-10.

Kaiser, M. J. and A. G. Pulsipher. LIHEAP as a textbook case of government befuddlement. Electricity Journal 15(5):70-92.

-----. Low-income home energy assistance program. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Southern States Energy Board, New Orleans, August 24.

Mesyanzhinov, D. V. and D. E. Dismukes. The U. S. hydroelectric power industry: trends and perspectives. In Renewable Energy: Trends Prospects, S. K. Majumdar, E. W. Miller, and A. I. Panah, eds. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 133-146.

Olatubi, W. O. Total energy demand in the southern states: a dynamic panel modeling approach. Paper presented at the 72nd Southern Economic Association Meeting, New Orleans, LA, November 24-26.

-----. A transfer function analysis of oil spill accidents in U.S. waters. Paper presented at the 54th International Atlantic Economic Society Conference, Washington, D.C., October.

Olatubi, W. O. and D. E. Dismukes. Do deepwater activities create different economic impacts to communities surrounding the Gulf OCS? IAEE Newsletter, 2nd Quarter, 16-20.

Olatubi, W. O., O. O. Iledare, and A. G. Pulsipher. The impact of crude oil price changes on OCS petroleum resource development and the economic performance of U.S. coastal Gulf states. Paper presented at the 2002 MMS Information Transfer Meeting, New Orleans, January 8-10.

Olatubi, W. O. (with D. W. Hughes). Natural resource and environmental policy trade-offs: a CGE analysis of the regional impact of the Wetland Reserve Program. Land Use Policy 19(3):231-241.

Olatubi, W. O. (with W. Keithly, Jr. and D. W. Hughes). An evaluation of the economic and public service provision impacts of the development of an oil and gas-supporting infrastructure on a local economy using a conjoint input-output/econometric models. Paper presented at the 2002 IMPLAN User's Conference, New Orleans, LA, September 4-6.

Olatubi, W. O. (with S. No). On the vulnerability of the oil and gas extraction industry E&P activity to oil price changes and variability. Proceedings of the International Association for Energy Economics: Energy Markets in Turmoil: Making Sense of It All, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, October.

Olatubi, W. O. (with Y. Zhang). A dynamic estimation of energy demand in the U.S. southern states. Paper presented at the 41st Southern Regional Science Association Meeting, Arlington, VA, April.

PTTC Central Gulf Region. Essentials of subsurface mapping. Baton Rouge, LA: Petroleum Technology Transfer Council, Central Gulf Region, January.

-----. Reservoir characterization technology. Baton Rouge, LA: Petroleum Technology Transfer Council, Central Gulf Region, April.

PTTC Central Gulf Region (with PTTC Eastern Gulf Region). Optimized horizontal well technology. Baton Rouge, LA: Petroleum Technology Transfer Council, Central Gulf Region, March.

Pulsipher, A. G. The history of the oil and gas industry in the Gulf of Mexico. Moderated session at the 2002 MMS Information Transfer Meeting, New Orleans, January 8-10.

Pulsipher, A. G. Testimony at hearing on the Tennessee Valley Authority and financial disclosure before the U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. U.S. Senate, 107th Congress, 2nd session, September 17.

Surman, M. Louisiana Desktop Well Reference 2001 [CD-ROM]. (Baton Rouge, LA: Petroleum Technology Transfer Council, Central Gulf Region, March).



Baumann, R. H. (with D. W. Davis). Oil in Louisiana's estuarine environment: a development model.Science in China (Series B) 44 Supp:230-239.

Bradley, R. W. Environmental education: a Louisiana view [CD-ROM]. Prepared for the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality by Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies and Louisiana Museum of Natural History.

Dismukes, D. E. Review of Renewable Resources for Electric Power: Prospects and Challenges. R. Edinger and S. Kaul. Westport, Connecticut: Quorum Books, 2000, 154pp. Natural Resources Forum 25(1):76-78.

Dismukes, D. E. (with M. Collette and R. D. Priddy). Distributed energy must be watched as opportunity for gas companies. Natural Gas Magazine, January, 9-16.

Dismukes, D. E. (with R. F. Cope). Modeling regional electric power markets and market power. Managerial and Decision Economics 22:411-429.

Dismukes, D. E. (with S. W. Geiger). Electric utility restructuring and strategies for the future. In Proceedings of the Southwest Academy of Management Annual Meeting, March.

Dismukes, D. E. (with K. E. Hughes II). California dreaming: are competitive markets achievable? Oil, Gas & Energy Quarterly 49(3):743-759.

-----. A is for access: a definitional tour through today's energy vocabulary. Oil, Gas & Energy Quarterly 49(4):947-973.

-----. A is for access: a definitional tour through today's energy vocabulary. Public Resources Law Digest 38:2. (Reprint)

-----. Energy policy by crisis: proposed federal changes for the electric power industry. Oil, Gas & Energy Quarterly 50(1):235-249.

-----. The EPA v. the TVA et al. over new source review. Oil, Gas & Energy Quarterly 50(2):531-543.

Dismukes, D. E. with D. V. Mesyanzhinov and W. O. Olatubi. Moving to the front of the lines: the economic impact of independent power plant development in Louisiana. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies. October.
Click here to view or download complete publication.

Dismukes, D. E. and W. O. Olatubi. A data envelopment analysis of levels and sources of coal fired electric powered generation inefficiency. Utilities Policy 9(2):47-59.

Dismukes, D. E. (with S. A. Ostrover). A comment on the integration of price cap and yardstick competition schemes in electrical distribution regulation. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 16(4):940-942.

Goddard, D. A. Quick look hand book: onshore Louisiana petroleum producing formations. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies, September.
Click here to view or download complete publication.

Goddard, D. A. (with R. K. Zimmerman). A North Louisiana gas-prone Hosston Slope-Basin sand trend.GCAGS Transactions 51: 423-432.

Iledare, O. O. Petroleum economics for professionals: petroleum evaluations and decision economics: a short course for petroleum engineers and geologists. SPE Nigeria Annual International Conference & Exhibition, Abuja, Nigeria, August 4, 2001.

-----. Global oil production allocations criteria among OPEC member nations: empirical evidence from 1983-1999. Lead paper presented on OPEC quota and Nigeria's growth aspirations at SPE Nigeria Annual International Conference & Exhibition, Abuja, Nigeria, August 7, 2001.

Iledare, O. O. (with S. Inikori and K. M. Kumar). The responsiveness of the global E&P activity to changes in petroleum prices: evidence from 1960-1999. Proceedings of the Society of Petroleum Engineers Hydrocarbon Economics and Evaluation Symposium, Dallas, April 2-3, SPE Paper #68587.

Iledare, O. O., W. O. Olatubi, and A. G. Pulsipher. Modeling wildcat petroleum productivity in the U. S. Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). Energy Studies Review 9:2.

Iledare, O. O. and A. G. Pulsipher. The determinants of petroleum reserves additions: empirical evidence from the Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf. Proceedings of the Society of Petroleum Engineers Hydrocarbon Economics and Evaluation Symposium, Dallas, April 2-3, SPE Paper #68604.

-----. Forecasting the ultimate oil recovery and its rate of depletion in Nigeria's Niger Delta Basin. Pacific and Asian Journal of Energy 10(2):185-200.

Iledare, O. O., A. G. Pulsipher, and R. E. Pincomb. Crude oil production trends in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico OCS: how important are economic and policy incentives? Proceedings of the International Association of Energy Economics 24th Annual International Conference, 2001: an energy odyssey? Houston, April 25-27,[CD-ROM].

Iledare, O. O., A.G. Pulsipher, W. O. Olatubi, and D. V. Mesyanzhinov. Evaluating the efficacy of cash-bonus bidding for offshore petroleum leases in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Region, 1983-1999. Society of Petroleum Engineers, Nigeria Council, Abuja, Nigeria, August 6-8, SPE Paper #72507.

Kaiser, M. J., A. G. Pulsipher, and R. H. Baumann. Economic and environmental impact of a public benefits fund in Louisiana. Prepared for the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources by Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies, April.

Olatubi, W. O. and D. E. Dismukes. Do deepwater activities create different impacts to communities surrounding the Gulf of Mexico OCS? Proceedings of the International Association of Energy Economics 24thAnnual International Conference, 2001: an energy odyssey? Houston, April 25-27, [CD-ROM].

PTTC Central Gulf Region. Advances in wireline logging technology. Baton Rouge, LA: Petroleum Technology Transfer Council, Central Gulf Region, September.

-----. Drilling optimization and completion technologies. Baton Rouge, LA: Petroleum Technology Transfer Council, Central Gulf Region, February.

-----. Managing Louisiana's gas resources. Baton Rouge, LA: Petroleum Technology Transfer Council, Central Gulf Region, May.

Pulsipher, A. G. Too many merchant power plants for Louisiana? Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies.
Click here to view or download complete publication.

Pulsipher, A. G. and W. B. Daniel IV. Onshore-only platform disposition needs exceptions. Oil & Gas Journal 99(3):64-65, January 15, 2001.

Pulsipher, A. G., O. O. Iledare, D. V. Mesyanzhinov, A. Dupont, and Q. L. Zhu. Forecasting the number of offshore platforms on the Gulf of Mexico OCS to the Year 2023. Prepared for U. S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service by Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies, April. MMS 2001-013.
Click here to view or download complete publication.



Bradley, R. W. Black gold beneath the bayous: Louisiana earth science teacher professional development [CD-ROM]. Prepared for the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources by Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies and Louisiana Geological Survey.

Dismukes, D. E. (with K. E. Hughes II). Distributed energy resources: the next paradigm shift in the electric power industry. Oil, Gas & Energy Quarterly 48(3):593-602.

-----. The Post-restructuring consolidation of nuclear-power generation in the electric power industry. Oil, Gas & Energy Quarterly 48(4):751-765.

-----. Energy conservation programs and electric restructuring: is there a conflict? Oil, Gas & Energy Quarterly 49(1):211-224.

-----. Clean air, Kyoto, and the boy who cried wolf. Oil, Gas & Energy Quarterly 49(2):529-540.

Dismukes, D., D. V. Mesyanzhinov, R. D. Priddy, R. F. Cope III, and V. Tabakova. Energy conservation and electric restructuring in Louisiana. Prepared for the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources by Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies, January.

Dismukes, D. E. and W. O. Olatubi. Empirical challenges in estimating the economic impacts of offshore oil and gas activities in the Gulf of Mexico. Proceedings of the International Association for Energy Economics: Transforming Energy Markets. Philadelphia, September.

-----. Modeling the economic impact of offshore activities on onshore communities. Proceedings of the 20thAnnual Information Transfer Meeting. U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service. New Orleans, December.

Dismukes, D. E. and R. D. Priddy. Applications for distributed energy resources in oil and gas production: methods for reducing flare gas emissions and increasing generation availability. Proceedings of the International Energy Foundation - ENERGEX 2000, July.

-----. Distributed energy resources: a practical guide for service. London: Financial Times Energy.

-----. Challenges part of on-site generation. American Oil and Gas Reporter 43(5):78-82.

Iledare, O. O. An analysis of the rate of crude oil reserve additions in Nigeria's Niger Delta. In Proceedings of SPE Annual International Technical Conference & Exhibition, Abuja, Nigeria, August 6-9.

-----. Economic aspects of global petroleum production decisions: a short course for petroleum engineers and geologists. Paper presented at the SPE Nigeria Annual International Conference & Exhibition, Abuja, Nigeria, August 5.

-----. Trends in the effectiveness of petroleum exploration and development drilling in the U. S. Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, 1977-1998. Proceedings of the Society of Petroleum Engineers 2000 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, Texas, October 1-4. SPE Paper #63060.

Mesyanzhinov, D. V., et al. Inventory of greenhouse gases in Louisiana. Prepared for the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources by Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies, September.
Click here to view or download complete publication.

Priddy, R. D. Distributed generation to the rescue? Interview by B. Moore, evworld September 24 [journal online].

PTTC Central Gulf Region. Developments in well stimulation and slim-hole technology. Baton Rouge, LA: Petroleum Technology Transfer Council, Central Gulf Region, December.

-----. Downhole water separation technology. Baton Rouge, LA: Petroleum Technology Transfer Council, Central Gulf Region, March.

PTTC Central Gulf Region (with PTTC Eastern Gulf Region and PTTC Texas Region). Coalbed methane potential of the Gulf Coast. Baton Rouge, LA: Petroleum Technology Transfer Council, Central Gulf Region, October.

PTTC Central Gulf Region (with PTTC Texas Region). Distributed energy resources in the oil patch. Baton Rouge, LA: Petroleum Technology Transfer Council, Central Gulf Region, May.

Pulsipher, A. G. Offshore rig disposal. Oxford Energy Forum, Issue 42:10-16.

Pulsipher, A. G. and W. B. Daniel IV. Onshore disposition of offshore oil and gas platforms: Western politics and international standards. Ocean & Coastal Management 43:973-995.
Click here to view or download complete publication.

Pulsipher, A. G., et al. Modeling greenhouse gas emission in Louisiana. Prepared for the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources by Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies, September.
Click here to view or download complete publication.



Dismukes, D. E. Distributed energy resources, energy efficiency, and electric power industry restructuring. Paper presented at the American Society of Environmental Science Fourth Annual Conference, Baton Rouge, LA, December 2.

Dismukes, D. E. (with R. F. Cope III). Modeling regional power markets and market power. Paper presented at the Western Economic Association Annual Conference, San Diego, July 6-10.

Dismukes, D. E. (with K. E. Hughes II). Coming to a neighborhood near you: the merchant electric power plant. Oil, Gas, & Energy Quarterly 48(2):433-441.

-----. Slow as molasses: the political economy of electric restructuring in the South. Oil, Gas, & Energy Quarterly 48(1):163-183.

Dismukes, D. E. (with A. N. Kleit). Cogeneration and electric power industry restructuring. Resource and Energy Economics 21(2):153-166.

Dismukes, D. E. (with M. T. Maloney). Stranded investments and non-utility generation. Electricity Journal 12(5):50-61.

Dismukes, D. E. and D. V. Mesyanzhinov (with R. F. Cope). Asymmetric choice and customer benefits: lessons from the natural gas industry. In The Structure of the Energy Industries: The Only Constant is Change, Proceedings of the 20th Annual USAEE/IAEE (United States Association for Energy Economics/International Association of Energy Economics) North American Conference, Orlando, Florida, August 29-September 1,444-452.

Dismukes, D. E. and R. F. Cope III. Applied approaches to modeling regional power markets. Paper presented at the Southern Economic Association 69th Annual Conference, New Orleans, November 22.

Iledare, O. O. Forecasting recoverable oil reserves and oil extraction rate: a case study of the Niger Delta Basin in Nigeria. In Proceedings of 23rd SPE Nigeria Annual International Conference & Exhibition, Abuja, Nigeria, August 5-6, 1999.

-----. Petroleum economics for professionals: a short course on global oil production issues and strategies. Presented at the SPE Nigeria Annual International Conference & Exhibition, Abuja, Nigeria, August 3.

-----. Safety performance measures at OCS E&P operations. Paper presented at the 1999 SPE/EPA Environmental Conference, Austin, TX, March 1-3.

-----. An update on U.S. crude oil supply, disposition and strategies. Staff working paper prepared for The Energy Council by Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies.

Iledare, O. O. and A. G. Pulsipher. Sources of change in petroleum drilling productivity in onshore Louisiana in the US, 1977-1994. Energy Economics 21(3):261-271.

-----. The state of the global E&P industry: is the world running out of oil? JPT-Journal of Petroleum Technology 51(11):44-48.

-----. Trends in U.S. oil exploration, reserves warn of trouble. World Oil 220(2):108-111.

Iledare, O. O., A. G. Pulsipher, D. V. Mesyanzhinov, and Q. L. Zhu. Forecasting the number of operating offshore structures on the U.S. Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf. Paper presented at the Southern Economic Association 69th Annual Conference, New Orleans, November 22.

Long, K. and M. Surman (with M. Killeen, D. Elfert, B. Harder, and R. Bourgeois). Louisiana desktop well reference [CD-ROM]. (1999) (Baton Rouge, LA: Petroleum Technology Transfer Council, Central Gulf Region, March).

Mesyanzhinov, D. V. and D. E. Dismukes. Economic impact of offshore oil and gas activities on coastal Louisiana. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Honolulu, HI, March 23-27.

Olatubi, W. and D. E. Dismukes. Estimating efficiency opportunities for coal fired electric power generation: a DEA approach. Paper presented at the Southern Economic Association 69th Annual Conference, New Orleans, November 22.

-----. Parametric and non-parametric approaches to measuring efficiency potentials in electric power generation. Presentation at the International Atlantic Economic Society Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada, October 12.

Olatubi, W., O. O. Iledare, and A. G. Pulsipher. Crude oil price changes and economic performance: a dynamic analysis of the Louisiana petroleum economy. In The Structure of the Energy Industries: The Only Constant is Change, Proceedings of the 20th Annual USAEE/IAEE (United States Association for Energy Economics/International Association of Energy Economics) North American Conference, Orlando, Florida, August 29-September 1.

PTTC Central Gulf Region. Coiled tubing operations and safety practices workshop. Baton Rouge, LA: Petroleum Technology Transfer Council, Central Gulf Region, July.

-----. Developing a model for coalbed methane exploration and production technology in Louisiana. Baton Rouge, LA: Petroleum Technology Transfer Council, Central Gulf Region, September.

-----. Enhanced production methods in oil and gas field operations. Baton Rouge, LA: Petroleum Technology Transfer Council, Central Gulf Region, June.

-----. Optimization of gas well completion and production practices: a report on PTTC/SPE study group meeting. Baton Rouge, LA: Petroleum Technology Transfer Council, Central Gulf Region, May.

-----. Property acquisitions and divestitures, a short course. Baton Rouge, LA: Petroleum Technology Transfer Council, Central Gulf Region, December.

Pulsipher, A. G. and W. B. Daniel IV. Economic and political aspects of the disposition of retired offshore oil and gas platforms. Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies, March.

Pulsipher, A. G. and W. B. Daniel IV. Onshore-disposition of offshore oil and gas platforms: western politics and international standards. Paper presented at the Southern Economic Association 69th Annual Conference, New Orleans, November 22.

Pulsipher, A. G. and R. Pincomb (with D. Tootle). Economic and social consequences of the oil spill in Lake Barre, Louisiana. Prepared for the U. S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, by Louisiana State University, Coastal Marine Institute, April. MMS99-0028.
Click here to view or download complete publication.



Dismukes, D. E. (with F. I. Denny). Power systems operations, control, and environmental protection in a restructured electric power industry. In Powering Up to 2000, 1998 Large Engineering Systems Conference on Power Engineering, Proceedings of the Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Halifax, Nova Scotia, June 7-9.

-----. Reliability or profit? Why Entergy quit the Southwest Power Pool. Public Utilities Fortnightly 136(3):30-33.

Dismukes, D. E. (with R. F. Cope III and D. Rinks). Modeling electric power markets in a restructured environment. In Technology's Critical Role in Energy and Environmental Markets: Proceedings of the International Association for Energy Economics:

Dismukes, D. E. and D. V. Mesyanzhinov (with R. F. Cope III). Capacity and economies of scale in electric power transmission. Utilities Policy 7:155-162.

-----. Benchmarking electric utility distribution performance. Paper presented at 73rd Annual Western Economic Association Conference, LakeTahoe, Nevada, June.

Iledare, O. O., A. G. Pulsipher, and D. V. Mesyanzhinov. Operational performance of the U. S. petroleum industry: a comparative analysis over space and time. In Technology's Critical Role in Energy and Environmental Markets: Proceedings of the 19th USAEE/IAEE (United States Association for Energy Economics/International Association of Energy Economics) Annual North American Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, October 18-21.

-----. Safety and environmental performance measures in offshore E&P operations: empirical indicators for benchmarking. Society of Petroleum Engineers, 1998 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans, September 27-30, SPE Paper #49153.

Iledare, O. O., A. G. Pulsipher, and R. E. Pincomb. The state of petroleum resources and supply: some international comparisons. In Experimenting with Freer Markets: Lessons from the Last 20 Years and Prospects for the Future, Proceedings of the 21st IAEE Annual Conference of the International Association for Energy Economics, Quebec, Canada, May 13-16.

Long, K. (with B. Harder and R. Bourgeois). Louisiana oil & gas environmental handbook [CD-ROM]. (Baton Rouge: Petroleum Technology Transfer Council, Central Gulf Region, January).

PTTC Central Gulf Region. BOAST-3PC black oil simulator workshop. Baton Rouge, LA: Petroleum Technology Transfer Council, Central Gulf Region, August.

-----. Enhanced production methods workshop. Baton Rouge, LA: Petroleum Technology Transfer Council, Central Gulf Region, June.

-----. Power cost reduction methods in oil and gas field operations. Baton Rouge, LA: Petroleum Technology Transfer Council, Central Gulf Region, October.

Pulsipher, A. G., O. O. Iledare, R. H. Baumann, D. E. Dismukes, and D. V. Mesyanzhinov. Environmental and safety risks of an expanding role for independents on the Gulf of Mexico OCS. Prepared for the U. S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service by Louisiana State University, Coastal Marine Institute, April. MMS 98-0021.



Baumann, R. H., B. S. Kavanaugh, and R. E. Pincomb. Energy overview and analyses. Prepared for Center for Legislative Energy and Environmental Research, Dallas, TX, September.

Dismukes, D. E. Cost savings from nuclear regulatory reform: comment. Southern Economic Journal 63(4):1108-12.

-----. Review of Electricity transmission pricing and technology, edited by M. Einhorn and R. Siddiqi. (Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996, 282p). The Energy Journal 18(4):146-148.

-----. The unintended policy consequences of the Public Utilities Regulatory Policies Act of 1978. Paper presented at the National Policy History Conference, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH, June 5-7.

Dismukes, D. E. (with R. F. Cope III and D. B. Rinks). A nonlinear programming model to estimate stranded generation investments in a deregulated electric utility industry. Presented at Institute for Operations Research and Management Science Annual Conference, October.

Dismukes, D. E. and D. V. Mesyanzhinov (with R. F. Cope III). Benchmarking electric utility transmission performance. Paper presented at Southern Economic Association's 67th Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA, November.

Dismukes, D. E. (with F. I. Denny). New paradigms for power engineering education. In High Technology in the Power Industry: Proceedings of the International Association of Science and Technology for Development, Orlando, Florida, October 27-30, 499-504.

Iledare, O. O. The competing influence of technology, depletion, and economics on petroleum drilling productivity: how persuasive is the evidence in the Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf? Society of Petroleum Engineers, Inc., Richardson, TX. Paper presented at the SPE Hydrocarbon Economics & Evaluation Symposium, Dallas, TX, March 16-18, SPE Paper #37940.

Iledare, O. O. and A. G. Pulsipher. Empirical determinants of changing productivity of petroleum exploration and development on the U.S. Gulf of Mexico OCS. In International Energy Markets, Competition and Policy: Proceedings of the USAEE/IAEE (United States Association for Energy Economics/International Association of Energy Economics) 18thAnnual North American Conference, San Francisco, California, September 7-10.

-----. The modeling of the petroleum exploration and extraction process for policy analysis. Pacific & Asian Journal of Energy, June.

Iledare, O. O., A. G. Pulsipher, D. E. Dismukes, and D. V. Mesyanzhinov. Oil spills, workplace safety and firm size: evidence from the U.S. Gulf of Mexico OCS. The Energy Journal 18(4):73-89.

Long, K. (with B. Harder and R. Bourgeois). Louisiana oil & gas environmental handbook [CD-ROM]. (Baton Rouge: Petroleum Technology Transfer Council, Central Gulf Region, January).

----. Mississippi oil & gas environmental handbook [CD-ROM]. (Baton Rouge: Petroleum Technology Transfer Council, Central Gulf Region and Eastern Gulf Region, January).

Long, K. and M. Surman (with M. Killeen, D. Elfert, R. Bourgeois, and B. Harder). Louisiana desktop well reference [CD-ROM]. (Baton Rouge, LA: Petroleum Technology Transfer Council, Central Gulf Region, November).

Mesyanzhinov, D. V. (with D. Schaffer). Politics, the federal government and the Gulf of Mexico: the case of Louisiana's 'lost' revenue. Presented at the National Policy History Conference, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH, June 5-7.

PTTC Central Gulf Region. Economically viable IOR gas and air flooding processes. Baton Rouge, LA: Petroleum Technology Transfer Council, Central Gulf Region, September.

-----. Hi-tech happenings in the patch: oil & gas technology conference. Baton Rouge, LA: Petroleum Technology Transfer Council, Central Gulf Region, May.

-----. Horizontal drilling in deep Austin chalk. Baton Rouge, LA: Petroleum Technology Transfer Council, Central Gulf Region, May.

Pulsipher, A. G. Unintended consequences of a good idea in U. S. nuclear waste policy: the case of the integral MRS facility. Prepared for presentation at the National Policy History Conference, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH, June 5-7.

Pulsipher, A. G. (ed.) Proceedings of an international workshop on offshore lease abandonment and platform disposal: technology, regulation, and environmental effects, New Orleans, LA., April 15-17, 1996. Prepared for the U. S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service by Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies, March.

Pulsipher, A. G. and D. V. Mesyanzhinov (with J. K. Rester). Underwater obstructions and debris in Louisiana's coastal waters and the Gulf of Mexico: issues and strategies. Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies, November 9.



Dismukes, D. E. The demand for long distance telephone communication: a route-specific analysis of short-haul service. Studies in Economics and Finance 17:33-45.

-----. Review of Electric cooperatives on the threshold of a new era. (Vienna, VA: Public Utilities Reports, 1996). The Energy Journal 17(4):161-163.

Dismukes, D. E. (with K. H. Dismukes). Electric M&A: a regulator's guide. Public Utilities Fortnightly 134(1):42-45.

Dismukes, D. E. (with F. Niami). Input price fluctuations, total factor productivity, and price cap regulation in the telecommunications industry. Presented at Sixty-Sixth Annual Conference of the Southern Economic Association, Washington, D. C., November 23-25.

Dismukes, D. E. and D. V. Mesyanzhinov (with F. Niami). Recovery of stranded investments: comparing the electric utility industry to other recently deregulated industries. Paper presented at Sixty-Sixth Annual Conference of the Southern Economic Association, Washington, D. C., November 23-25.

Dismukes, D. E. and A. G. Pulsipher (with K. H. Dismukes). Restructuring the electric utility industry: implications for Louisiana, Phase I: background and overview. Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies, March 9.

Iledare, O. O. and A. G. Pulsipher. The modeling of petroleum exploration and extraction process for policy analysis: a case study of Louisiana onshore region. Presented at the Institute of Gas Technology Conference Restructuring the energy markets: new analytical tools and modeling techniques for the bottom line in today's energy industries, Clearwater, FL, April 15-17.

-----. Technology, depletion and economics and the response of petroleum drilling productivity in onshore Louisiana. In (De) Regulation of energy: intersecting business, economics and policy: Proceedings of the 17th Annual North American Conference of the USAEE/IAEE (United States Association for Energy Economics/International Association of Energy Economics), Boston, Massachusetts, October 27-30.

Iledare, O. O., A. G. Pulsipher, R. H. Baumann, and D. E. Dismukes. Safety regulations, firm size, and the risk of accidents in E&P operations on the Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf. Society of Petroleum Engineers, Inc., Richardson, TX, SPE Paper #35934.

Iledare, O. O., A. G. Pulsipher, D. E. Dismukes, and D. V. Mesyanzhinov. Empirical modeling of the risk of a petroleum spill during E&P operation: a case study of the Gulf of Mexico OCS. Paper presented at Sixty-Sixth Annual Conference of the Southern Economic Association, Washington, D. C., November 23-25.

(Ledbetter, H. L.). An analysis of state mineral leasing strategies and their financial impact on exploration and production companies. Prepared for the Center for Energy Studies, December 9, 1996.

Long, K. (with B. Harder). Louisiana oil & gas environmental handbook. [CD-ROM] and [diskettes] (Baton Rouge: Petroleum Technology Transfer Council, Central Gulf Region, March 25).

Mesyanzhinov, D. V. and D. E. Dismukes. Spatial perspectives on the forthcoming deregulation of the U. S. electric utility industry. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Southwest Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Norman, OK, November 7-8.

PTTC Central Gulf Region. Computers and the Internet for the petroleum professional. Baton Rouge, LA: Petroleum Technology Transfer Council, Central Gulf Region, July.

Pulsipher, A. G. Watershed, aberration, and hallucination: the last twenty years. In The Energy crisis: unresolved issues and enduring legacies, D. L. Feldman, ed., 73-80. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.

-----. Review of Prisoners of the myth: the leadership of the Tennessee Valley Authority by E. Hargrove (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1996) in Forum for Applied Research and Public Policy, Summer 1996:152-53.

Pulsipher, A. G. and W. B. Daniel IV (with J. E. Kiesler and V. Mackey III). Explosives remain preferred method for platform abandonment. Oil & Gas Journal 94(19):64-70.

Pulsipher, A. G., O. O. Iledare, and R. H. Baumann. An analysis of the role and performance of firms of different sizes in petroleum exploration and development on the OCS. Prepared for the U. S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service by Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies, March.

-----. Modeling the structure and performance of integrated and independent producers in the Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. Prepared for the U. S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service by Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies, February. MMS 95-0056.

Pulsipher, A. G., O. O. Iledare., D. E. Dismukes, D. V. Mesyanzhinov, R. H. Baumann, and W. B. Daniel IV. Comparing the safety and environmental records of firms operating offshore platforms in the Gulf of Mexico. In Proceedings of ENERGY WEEK '96, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Petroleum Division, Houston, Texas, January 29-February 2, 405-409.

Pulsipher, A. G., R. E. Pincomb, and R. H. Baumann (with T. M. Hebert). Louisiana oil spill regulations and programs for platforms and pipelines located in state waters. Prepared for the U. S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service by Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies, April.



(Applied Technology Research Corporation). Economic and fiscal impacts of the energy rated homes of Louisiana program. Prepared in association with Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies, for the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources, March.

Baumann, R. H., B. S. Kavanaugh, and D. J. Pitcher. Energy overview and analyses. Prepared for the Center for Legislative Energy and Environmental Research by Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies, June.

Baumann, R. H. (with W. M. Swanwick). Chronological achievements and requirements of the State of Louisiana, Texaco global settlement agreement of February 22, 1994. Prepared for the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources and the Louisiana State Mineral Board by Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies, April.

Dismukes, D. E. Empirical determinants of nuclear power plant disallowances. Presented at the Southern Economic Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, November.

Iledare, O. O. Simulating the effect of economic and policy incentives on natural gas drilling and gross new reserve additions. Resource and Energy Economics 17:261-279.

Iledare, O. O. and A. G. Pulsipher. Forecasting petroleum drilling outcomes for firms of different sizes operating in the Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. Society of Petroleum Engineers, Inc., Richardson, TX, SPE Paper #30667.

Iledare, O. O., A. G. Pulsipher, and R. H. Baumann. Effects of an increasing role for independents on petroleum resource development in the Gulf of Mexico OCS. The Energy Journal 16(2):59-76.

-----. Empirical supply model of hydrocarbon reserve additions on the Gulf of Mexico OCS. Presentation before the Institute of Gas Technology, Atlanta, GA, April 3-5.

-----. The changing structure of the U. S. petroleum industry: implications for offshore oil and gas development. Presented at the American Economic Association Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 6.

Long, K. (with B. Harder and R. Bourgeois). Louisiana oil & gas environmental handbook [6 diskettes] (Baton Rouge: Petroleum Technology Transfer Council, Central Gulf Region, July 21).

(McKenzie III, L. S. and M. M.Pinsonat). A historical perspective of early discussions and negotiations between the United States of America and the State of Louisiana regarding financial arrangements associated with Outer Continental Shelf oil and gas production. Prepared for Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies by Applied Technology Research Corporation, June.

PTTC Central Gulf Region. Produced water management workshop. Baton Rouge, LA: Petroleum Technology Transfer Council, Central Gulf Region, September.

Pulsipher, A. G. TVA's debt limit. Public Utilities Fortnightly, March 1, 39-42.

-----. Comment on the Tennessee Valley Authority case. In Regulating regional power systems, C. J. Andrews, ed. Quorum Books, Westport, CT, 321-332.

Pulsipher, A. G., O. O. Iledare, R. H. Baumann, D. E. Dismukes, D. V. Mesyanzhinov, and W. B. Daniel IV. Measuring and comparing safety and environmental records of offshore oil and gas operators. Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies, December 9.

Pulsipher, A. G., O. O. Iledare, R. H. Baumann, and D. V. Mesyanzhinov. Operating performance and environmental and safety risks: a preliminary comparison of majors and independents. In Proceedings of the offshore and Arctic operations symposium, Energy and Environment Expo 95/American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Petroleum Division, Houston, TX, January 29-February 1.



Baumann, R. H. Fiscal and economic analysis of the Governor's proposed oil and gas tax incentives. Report to the Louisiana Commissioner of Conservation, March 29.

Baumann, R. H. and A. G. Pulsipher. States pass measures to help producers during tough times. Oil & Gas Journal 92(46):56-58.

Baumann, R. H., O. O. Iledare, D. V. Mesyanzhinov, and A. G. Pulsipher. Questions from Louisiana: a recent study challenges the effectiveness of traditional cost-of-service regulation for natural gas distribution systems. Public Utilities Fortnightly 132(1):18-22.

Iledare, O. O. Use of least squares to estimate gas-well gas recoverable reserves and first-year gas production. In From the reservoir to the burner tip, Proceedings of the 1994 Society of Petroleum Engineers Mid-Continent Gas Symposium, Amarillo, TX, May 22-24, SPE Paper #27943.

Illedare, O. O. and A. G. Pulsipher. Competition in the Louisiana industrial natural gas market. Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies, July.

Iledare, O. O., A. G. Pulsipher, and R. H. Baumann. Firm size and the development of petroleum resources on the U.S. Gulf of Mexico OCS. In The World Oil & Gas Industries in the 21st Century: Proceedings of the 16th Annual North American Conference USAEE/AIEE (United States Association for Energy Economics/International Association for Energy Economics, Dallas, TX, November 6-9.

Long, K. Petroleum technology transfer needs and requirements for Louisiana oil and gas producers. Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies, December.

Pulsipher, A. G. The competitive prospects of the Tennessee Valley Authority's power system. In Operation of the Tennessee Valley Authority: Hearings before the Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight of the Committee on Public Works and Transportation. U. S. House of Representatives. 103rd Congress, 2ndsession. Washington: U. S. Government Printing Office, 122-130, 207-229.

-----. Top ten reasons not to worry about TVA's nuclear power program. Vanderbilt Institute for Public Policy, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, May 17.

-----. Watershed, aberration and hallucination: the last twenty years. Paper presented at Joint Institute for Energy and Environment Symposium, Twenty years after the energy shock--how far have we come? where are we headed? University of Tennessee, April 19.

-----. Will TVA make changes necessary to compete? Nashville Banner, May 16.

Pulsipher, A. G., O. O. Iledare, and R. H. Baumann. Modeling the structure and performance of integrated and independent companies: implications for offshore oil and gas development. Annual Report on Project Activity (3/94 to 9/94). In 14th Information Transfer Meeting, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, November 16. New Orleans: Minerals Management Service.

(Schwobel, C. E.). The Gulf of Mexico OCS operator concerns, issues, and problems. A report for the Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies, April.



Baumann, R. H. Background discussion in Production=jobs and revenues, proposed economic programs, D. Hinkle, ed. Paper prepared jointly with (Coastal, Louisiana Land & Exploration, Marathon Oil Company, Meridian Oil Company, Phillips Petroleum Company, and Shell) for Center for Legislative Energy and Environmental Research. Presented at Keystone, CO, December.

-----. Severance tax equivalency. LIOGA News 1(5):6.

-----. Suspending the exemptions on the Louisiana recovery district sales tax - who would pay how much? Prepared in response to legislative requests by Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies, January.

Baumann, R. H. (with E. Faul). Energy overview and analysis, 1991-92. Center for Legislative Energy and Environmental Research, Dallas, TX, June.

Baumann, R. H., O. O. Iledare, D. V. Mesyanzhinov, and A. G. Pulsipher. Assessing the Louisiana natural gas distribution industry in residential and commercial markets. Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies, August.

Baumann, R. H., A. G. Pulsipher, and O. O. Iledare. Impacts of the BTU tax on Louisiana with emphasis on the petroleum industries and the public sector. Prepared for the Affordable Energy Alliance by Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies, May 12.

Pulsipher, A. G. Anachronisms in nuclear waste policy: the case of the integral MRS. Presented at Resources for the Future seminar, 17 February 1993 and in article in Nuclear Waste News, March 1, in story titled: "Another View: Abolish MRS, LSU Researcher Says."

-----. A de facto repository for the U.S.? the risk of interim storage of high level nuclear waste. Energy Policy 21(7):798-812.

-----. TVA's isolationist strategy. Energy Monitor 3(1):1-6.

-----. Will compensation produce a disposal site? Forum for Applied Research and Public Policy 8(1):108-114. Synopsis and discussion also printed in Energy Information Digest 98:6.

Pulsipher, A. G. and R. H. Baumann. Louisiana's petroleum refining industry. Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies, February.

Pulsipher, A. G., R. H. Baumann, and O. O. Iledare. Overall tax levels similar across 11 producing states. Oil & Gas Journal 91(41):86-89.

Pulsipher, A.G., O. O. Iledare, and R. H. Baumann. Replacing integrated companies with independent producers: implications for oil and gas policy in the United States. Paper prepared for the International Association for Energy Economics by Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies, October 12.



Baumann, R. H. Sales tax exemption suspensions on energy - who pays and how much? Prepared for Louisiana Senate Office of Fiscal Policy by Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies, November.

Baumann, R. H. and A. G. Pulsipher. Should Louisiana revamp its natural gas production rules? Louisiana Energy Indicators Spring. Also printed in Baton Rouge Business Journal, May 18.

Pulsipher, A. G. Reducing the risk of a de facto repository. Presentation for the Society for Risk Analysis, San Diego, December 5.

-----. TVA's nuclear gamble. Presentation at the Tennessee Environmental Council, September 18, Nashville, TN, and reported in Ex-TVA economist: nuclear growth is targeting out-of-state markets, Southeast Power Report, September 25:1-2.

-----. Paper and Session Organizer. Why decision analysis has not solved the high-level nuclear waste problem. Session: Can decision analysis improve public policy? Operations Research Society of America /The Institute of Management Science Joint Annual Meeting, San Francisco, November 3.

Pulsipher, A. G. (with R. Gilmer). Rural employment prospects: implications of economic forecasts for the South. Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee, Center for Business and Economic Research.



Baumann, R. H., et al. The Status of alternative fuels: An interim report to the 1991 Louisiana House and Senate Natural Resources Committee. Report prepared for the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality by Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies, July 16.

Baumann, R. H. and R. A. Scull. Energy overview and analyses, 1990-1991. Dallas, TX: Center for Legislative Energy and Environmental Research, Policy Series, Paper #3, December.

Pulsipher, A. G. Compensating for risk and stigma effects of high-level nuclear waste storage facilities. Presentation for the Society for Risk Analysis, Baltimore, MD, December 9.

-----. Some political logistics of nuclear waste. In Proceedings, High Level Radioactive Waste Management, New York, 1561-1569.

-----. State and local taxes minor factors for E&P locations. Oil & Gas Journal 89(16):64-69.

-----. The state and local tax bill of the oil and gas producing industry. Presentation for the South/West Energy Council, Colorado Springs, Colorado, June 23.

-----. TVA and restructuring: will more competitive markets put TVA on the ropes? The Electricity Journal 4(5):46-59. Reply to Response 4(9): 3.

Pulsipher, A. G. (with R. Gilmer) Rural employment prospects implicit in economic forecasts for the South.Rural Policy Program, Aspen Institute, November.



Baumann, R. H. Independents overtake majors in production. Louisiana Energy Indicators, Winter. Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies.

Baumann, R. H. (with R. E. Turner). Direct impacts of outer continental shelf activities on wetland loss in the Central Gulf of Mexico. Environmental Geology and Water Sciences 15(3):189-198.

Pulsipher, A. G. A refinery tax for Louisiana? Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies, May.

-----. The state and local tax bill of the oil and gas producing industry. Louisiana Energy Indicators, Fall. Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies.

-----. User fee financing of federal interim storage of commercial nuclear waste. Presentation for the Society for Risk Analysis, New Orleans, LA, October 16.



Baumann, R. H. (with J. A. Browder, L. N. May, Jr., A. Rosenthal, and J. G. Gosselink). Modeling future trends in wetland loss and brown shrimp production in Louisiana using thematic mapper imagery. Remote Sensing of Environment 28:45-59.

Baumann, R. H. (with D. R. Cahoon). Pipeline installation. In Onshore oil and gas activities along the Northern Gulf of Mexico Coast: a wetland manager's handbook, D. R. Cahoon, ed. U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 6, Dallas, TX, March.

Baumann, R. H. (with J. A. Browder, L. N. May, Jr., A. Rosenthal, and J. G. Gosselink). Utilizing remote sensing and thematic mapper data to improve our understanding of estuarine processes and their influence on the productivity of estuarine-dependent fisheries. Final Report to NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, December.

Baumann, R. H., G. Peterson, and T. W. Seale (with L. Scott). Direct and indirect impacts of new spending on Louisiana's airports with notes on Louisiana aviation fuel consumption and tax collections. Report to the 1989 Special Legislative Session.

Pulsipher, A. G. Energy issues for Louisiana in the 1990s. Louisiana Energy Indicators, Fall. Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies.

Pulsipher, A. G. (with R. Gilmer). Structural change in southern manufacturing. Growth and Change 20:61-69.



Baumann, R. H. (with M. C. Watzin). Shoreline change and wetland loss in the coastal barrier resources system: a case study analysis. Appendix A. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Coastal Ecosystems Team. Report to Congress, Coastal Barrier Resources System.



Baumann, R. H. Louisiana: net fossil fuel consumer. Louisiana Energy Indicators, Fall. Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies.

-----. Physical variables, In The Ecology of the Barataria Basin.- An estuarine profile, edited by W. H. Conner and J. W. Day, Jr. USFWS Biological Report 85(7.13):8-17.

Baumann, R. H. (with R. E. Turner and A. R. Reed). Direct impacts of OCS activities. In: Causes of wetland loss in the coastal central Gulf of Mexico, edited by R. E. Turner and D. R. Cahoon, U. S. Minerals Management Service 11:55-67.



Baumann, R. H. (with D. Roy). Attached growth anaerobic conversion processes. In Proceedings, Bioenergy 84(3):397-400

Baumann, R. H. (with M. C. Watzin). Coastal barrier resources act system: a changing landscape. In Proceedings of 4thSymposium on Coastal and Ocean Management, edited by O. T. Magoon, H. Converse, D. Miner, D. Clark, and L. T. Tobin. New York: American Society of Civil Engineers.



Brossard, E. B. Protectionism and the U. S. refining industry. Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies.



Baumann, R. H. (with J. W. Day, Jr., and C. A. Miller). Mississippi deltaic wetland survival: sedimentation versus coastal submergence. Science 224:1093-1095.

Baumann, R. H., G. R. Newkome, and F. M. Wrighton. Sweet sorghum in your tank: A conventional energy producer goes alcohol. In Proceedings, Bioenergy 84(4):305-309.

Brossard, E. B. The Lower 48's only superport: LOOP. Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies.

-----. The Persian Gulf. their oil, our need. Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies.

-----. Refining oil abroad: the political & economic costs. Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies.



Baumann, R. H. (with R. D. DeLaune and J. G. Gosselink). Relationships among vertical accretion, coastal submergence and erosion in a Louisiana Gulf Coast marsh. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology 53(l):147-157.

Brossard, E. B. Petroleum--politics and power. Tulsa: PennWell Books.