About the Institute for Energy Innovation


From the Director

Welcome to the LSU Institute for Energy Innovation! 

We are driven by a common passion: to revolutionize the way we generate, store, and use energy. Our faculty members are at the forefront of cutting-edge research, committed to exploring innovative solutions that will shape our energy future. With a strong emphasis on interdisciplinary collaboration, we strive to break down silos and foster a dynamic environment where experts from diverse fields converge to tackle complex energy challenges.

Energy is a fundamental pillar of modern society, impacting everything from economic development to environmental sustainability. Recognizing the immense importance of this field, our institute is dedicated to conducting groundbreaking research that not only advances the frontiers of knowledge but also translates into real-world applications and policy recommendations. We firmly believe that addressing the multifaceted energy issues of our time requires an integrated approach that brings together scientists, engineers, economists, policy analysts, and social scientists on the academic side with industry, government, and communities in Louisiana and beyond.

One of the unique strengths of our institute is our close collaboration with public and private entities. Through these collaborations, we bridge the gap between academia, the energy sector, and the greater community, ensuring that our research remains relevant, impactful, and aligned with broader needs. We take great pride in our ability to translate our scientific findings into practical solutions that can drive sustainable energy transitions and foster economic growth and environmentally responsible energy for all through a just and equity-driven pathway. 

In addition to our research endeavors, the LSU Institute for Energy Innovation is committed to nurturing the next generation of energy leaders. We provide a rich and stimulating educational environment where students can engage in cutting-edge research, gain valuable hands-on experience, and develop the skills necessary to thrive in the rapidly evolving energy landscape.

I invite you to explore our website and discover the exciting work being conducted by our faculty, students, and researchers. Whether you are a prospective student, a potential collaborator, or simply interested in learning more about energy innovation, we welcome you to join us on this transformative journey. Together, let us create a sustainable and prosperous energy future for all.

Director, LSU Institute for Energy Innovation
Brad Ives

A banner with the Louisiana State University and Institute for Energy Innovation logos

Our Vision

A national model, where leaders in energy-related thought, talent development and industry will have the opportunity to invest in the pursuit of a shared vision for the future of energy.

Man holding a microphone pointing at a wall of handwritten notes

Our Mission

To be an independent, trusted, and valued voice of the energy transition, supporting state, community, and parish policy development.

Woman leading a group discussion featuring business people and research scientists

Our Focus

Our focus is to provide quality research. We strive to produce both short- and long-term research, development, and demonstration that secure Louisiana's energy future and drive LSU's Scholarship First Agenda. We are dedicated to effectively communicating the work of the institute to stakeholders. Our aim is to catalyze additional fundraising, grant funding, and research to foster sustained growth.

Institute Leadership

The Institute for Energy Innovation is led by a full-time executive director, with guidance from an academic advisory committee and a board of directors.


Advisory Board

  • Kimberly Lewis, Louisiana State University
  • Robert Twilley, Louisiana State University
  • Colette Hirstius, Shell
  • Selda Gunsel, Shell
  • Lee Stockwell, Shell
  • Greg Bowser, Louisiana Chemical Association
  • Tommy Faucheux, Louisiana Mid-Continent Oil & Gas Association



A large oil storage facility located along the Mississippi River just north of New Orleans, Louisiana

Why LSU?

Louisiana produces approximately 15 percent of the nation’s oil and 10 percent of its natural gas. It has the second-highest oil refining capacity in the U.S., with the state’s 14 refineries processing approximately 3 million barrels of oil per day. In 2023, Louisiana exported over $54 billion in hydrocarbon-based products—including liquid fuels, liquefied natural gas, chemicals, and plastics—worldwide.

This makes LSU ground zero for the research, education, and training that is driving global transformation. Due to the university’s generational expertise and geographic location, we are uniquely positioned to partner with industry and government agencies to advance new discoveries and provide the best practical and theoretical educational opportunities for the next generation of Louisiana’s and America’s energy workforce. 

Learn More About LSU's Energy Research