Welcome to the Louisiana Bird Resource Office website, an initiative within the LSU Museum of Natural Science. Our goal is to facilitate a better understanding of Louisiana birdlife through the
gathering and dissemination of information on the distribution and ecology of Louisiana
We invite you to join us in our efforts. There are many ways to get involved: browse the website and learn about Louisiana birds and projects, report a nesting observation in the Nest Record Project, put your birding skills to work for the cutting-edge Summer Bird Atlas and Winter Bird Atlas, join the LABIRD list-serv, or submit a noteworthy bird observation on a digital 3x5 card. However you choose to participate, we thank you for your efforts. We believe that a better understanding and appreciation of our natural heritage will pay significant rewards both personally and collectively.
Enjoy your visit and check back for updates and news.
**Header Image is LeConte's Sparrow by Richard E. Gibbons**