The history of the HopKins Black Box is a history of many people dedicated to experimentation in and through performance. First and foremost is Dr. Mary Frances HopKins, who secured the space for us in 1992 and for whom it was officially named in a gala event in 2002. Second are the faculty and students who developed and cared for the tradition of live performance at LSU prior to 1992. While we haven't the documents or memory to acknowledge their contributions specifically, we hope that the archives pay tribute to them in the spirit of remembering. Third are the directors, performers, and shows since 1992 that have slipped our memory especially in the early years when making or saving documents was superceded by purchasing a fire door for safety or risers for seating. We apologize for the gaps and urge any readers who can help us fill them, however partially, to contact us.
Lastly, as we did in the first Black Box program, we extend again our heartfelt thanks to the individuals, departments, and businesses who donated their time, energy, advice and, in many cases, their money to help us realize this new performance lab. Those of us who teach, direct, and perform in this space are grateful for a room of our own that makes room for the public.